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Golput is Not a Solution, People’s Voting Rights in Regional Elections Determine the Future of Regions


By: Farrel Haroon Jabar )*

The momentum of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections is an arena for local political contestation that determines the future of regions throughout Indonesia. Amidst the euphoria of the regional-level democratic party, the phenomenon of the white group (golput) is still a significant challenge.

Golput, which is interpreted as the choice not to use the right to vote, is often considered by some people as an apathetic attitude or a form of protest against the system. However, this view is wrong because golput does not provide a solution to the problems faced, but has the potential to worsen the situation.

Voting is a form of self-actualization of citizens in maintaining the mandate of democracy. Perludem Program Officer, Heroik M Pratama, said that golput actually directly harms the community.

In the Regional Head Election, unused votes can be a loophole for manipulation, so that the elected leader does not reflect the will of the majority. Golput not only weakens the essence of democracy, but also denies the opportunity to contribute to determining the direction of regional development.

Heroik explained that golput in the modern era often occurs for various reasons, ranging from inconsistencies in voter data to disappointment with candidates. However, these reasons do not reduce the importance of participation in regional elections.

Every vote used is a form of citizen responsibility in determining the future of the region. Regional elections, as an instrument of democracy, provide space for the community to ensure that the elected leader has strong legitimacy and high accountability.

Deputy Chairman of the MPR RI, Hidayat Nur Wahid (HNW), also emphasized the importance of using the right to vote in the regional democratic party. According to him, Pancasila democracy provides a fair opportunity for the community to determine leaders who are committed to the progress of the nation.

The right to vote is a form of people’s sovereignty guaranteed by the constitution, so it should not be wasted. Not using the right to vote is the same as handing over the future to the decision of another party without any contribution.

HNW added that in regional elections, the quality of democracy is measured not only by the competing candidates, but also by the level of community participation. When golput is an option, the opportunity to produce a leader who does not meet expectations is greater.

Active voters have a strategic role in ensuring that the regional elections run with good quality. Therefore, the public needs to choose leaders who not only have a big vision, but are also able to protect the interests of all groups.

Member of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Bambang Soesatyo, also highlighted the negative impact of abstention in regional political contests. He considered that abstention is not a solution that can improve the condition of the nation, but rather an obstacle in the democratic process.

Bambang invited the public to welcome the regional elections with enthusiasm and a high sense of nationalism. Abstention, which often arises due to black campaigns or the spread of hoaxes, will only create apathy and worsen the quality of democracy.

The Deputy Chairperson of the Golkar Party also reminded the importance of maintaining a spirit of togetherness during the regional elections. The success of an election is not only measured by the victory of the candidate, but also by the ability of all elements of society to maintain unity. Different choices in the regional elections should not be divisive, but rather strengthen solidarity in diversity.

Through the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections, the public has the opportunity to choose leaders who are able to bring real change to the region. There is no reason to underestimate the importance of votes in local political contests. Every vote cast is a small step towards more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable development.

The golput phenomenon is not a reflection of a critical attitude, but rather an avoidance of responsibility. By not voting, people lose their right to make a real contribution to the democratic process. On the contrary, by exercising their right to vote, each individual plays an active role in ensuring the sustainability of development and the creation of better governance.

In addition, active participation in regional elections has major implications for how regional policies are formulated and implemented. Leaders who are elected through high participation tend to have greater legitimacy to carry out strategic programs for the welfare of the community. Thus, voting is not just a formality, but also a long-term investment for the future of the region.

Regional elections are not just a five-yearly political ritual, but also a space for the people to show their concern for the future of their region. The right to vote is a right that must be protected and utilized as much as possible.

good, not to be abandoned. With high participation, the public can ensure that the elected leaders truly represent the public interest, not just the interests of a handful of parties.

In addition, the decision to abstain from voting can have a greater negative impact. When abstaining dominates, the voices of the people who actually want change will not be heard. This only strengthens the position of those who have great influence, such as certain elite groups, without significant challenges.

Abstaining from voting is not the answer to disappointment with the system or candidates. On the contrary, abstaining from voting actually confirms the status quo which is often criticized by those who choose not to participate.

Through the Pilkada, the public has the opportunity to change the narrative and create a better future for their region. Voting is not only a right, but also a responsibility inherent in every citizen. The 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada is a moment to prove that the people’s voice truly has the power to determine the direction of the nation.

With high participation, the public is able to create a quality, fair, and integrity-based Pilkada. Pilkada is not just about who wins, but also about how each individual shows that they care about the future of their region. The votes cast today will be a reflection of how the region will develop in the future.

)* The author is a contributor to Ruang Baca Nusantara

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