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Palace Says Video of President Prabowo with Central Java Gubernatorial and Deputy Gubernatorial Candidates Need Not Be Issued


Jakarta – Minister of State Secretary, Prasetyo Hadi, provided an explanation regarding the video showing President Prabowo Subianto with the candidate pair for Governor and Deputy Governor of Central Java, Ahmad Luthfi and Taj Yasin.

Prasetyo emphasized that in the video, President Prabowo spoke in his capacity as General Chairperson of the Gerindra Party, not as President.

“That was him as the General Chairperson of the Gerindra Party,” he said.

He added that there was nothing to worry about regarding the statement, because the support given by President Prabowo was part of his political role as the leader of the party.

“There is nothing to worry about because he only gave his support as General Chairperson of Gerindra,” he said.

Prasetyo confirmed that President Prabowo conveyed his support to the Luthfi-Yasin pair in his capacity as General Chairperson of Gerindra, who does have the right to provide support in the context of the Pilkada.

Previously, the Daily Chair of the Gerindra Party, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad. In his statement, Dasco explained that the invitation to support the Luthfi-Yasin candidate pair conveyed by Prabowo Subianto was part of the Gerindra Party’s commitment to supporting the candidate pair it was carrying in this political contest.

“Mr. Prabowo as the General Chair of Gerindra and part of the Coalition of Parties Supporting Lutfi emphasized his support for the candidate pair like the general chairs of other parties who expressed their support for Lutfi-Yasin,” said Dasco

Dasco also added that the political steps taken by Prabowo in providing this support were not only politically legitimate, but had also paid attention to and complied with the legal provisions in force in Indonesia.

One of these rules is regulated in Article 58 of Law Number 20 of 2023 concerning the State Civil Apparatus (ASN). The regulation states that the president as a state official may campaign with provisions.

“In the sense of calling, appealing, inviting to vote for one of the candidate pairs in the Pilkada, as long as they are on campaign leave or as long as the campaign is carried out on holidays, Saturdays or Sundays according to PKPU Number 13 of 2024,” concluded Dasco.

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