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The Active Role of Youth and Religious Harmony are Key to the Success of the 2024 Election


By : Barra Dwi Rajendra )*

The active role of the young generation who will continue the nation and harmony between religious communities in Indonesia is an important key to making the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) a successful event.

Head of the Bandar Lampung City Resort Police Community Development Unit (Kasat Binmas Polresta), Adjunct Police Commissioner (AKP) Kurmen Rubiyanto invited the entire younger generation to continue to support the implementation of democratic parties and political contestation at the General Election (Pemilu) event in 2024 which can take place in 2024. safely, peacefully and coolly.

The role of the young generation themselves in supporting the election event so that it can take place smoothly and peacefully is very important to ensure that the principles of democracy can run healthily and stably in this country. Involving young people in this effort is clearly a very positive step in ensuring awareness of the importance of peaceful and responsible participation in the democratic process.

Therefore, what is the role of the younger generation in continuing to support so that the entire process of implementing the General Election at all stages can take place peacefully by continuing to spread awareness of the importance of responsible participation.

Not only that, other steps that can be taken to continue attracting young people are by encouraging constructive discussions, then promoting tolerance and diversity and trying to avoid provocations or acts of violence.

The reason is, it cannot be denied that the youth of the nation’s next generation are capable of being agents of change by continuing to support and uphold democratic values ​​through active participation and continuing to monitor the implementation of General Elections so that they run fairly and transparently.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs (Wamendagri RI), John Wempi Wetipo, also revealed the important role that the Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB) has in continuing to ensure that the election can run successfully and peacefully.

The existence of harmony between religious communities is a very important aspect in maintaining the stability, unity and integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) ahead of the democratic celebration in 2024.

In order to ensure that the elections continue to run safely and peacefully, it is very necessary to have full support and participation from all components of the nation so that political contestation can take place well without any disturbances or obstacles so that it can continue in harmony.

FKUB itself has a very strategic role in this matter, to continue to build a cool climate so that the General Election can run successfully. Therefore, all elements of the nation should continue to pay attention to how to strengthen this role.

Various efforts need to be made by the FKUB itself to support the success of the 2024 elections. Some of these steps include mapping potential problems that could disrupt religious harmony in Indonesia. Another effort is to carry out mitigation and also find solutions to problems with a religious background.

With the optimal role of the Religious Harmony Forum to encourage, the community can also be invited to work together in avoiding hate speech, hateful actions and the possibility of hostility based on ethnic, religious, racial and inter-group issues (SARA). ).

Identifying and strengthening local wisdom can also continue to support religious harmony so that it can function well in society. The next step that can be taken is to strengthen understanding of harmonious, peaceful religious practices and also continue to uphold an attitude of tolerance towards society amidst the differences that occur.

Furthermore, religious leaders themselves are also parties who are able to continue to bring various messages of peace to religious communities in Indonesia. However, it turns out that the role of religious figures can also be likened to a double-edged sword, because there are also religious figures who actually break the unity of religious communities.

So with how strategic the role of these religious figures is, all of them from various groups, including those from various religious assemblies or community organizations (ormas) and those who are culturally in the midst of society, must instill the same self-awareness to be able to carry out their actions. devotion.

These two parties, namely from the young generation who will succeed the nation and also from the religious leaders and religious communities themselves as a whole in society are indeed very important keys to being able to make the 2024 General Election run successfully.

)* Contributor to Angkasa Media Satu

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