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Positive progress in the development of AMN Manado, exists commitment to improving the quality of SDM


Manado, North Sulawesi — The construction of the Nusantara Students’ Hostel (AMN) in Manado (North Sulawesia) shows very positive progress. The project is part of a national initiative aimed at providing housing facilities for students from various ethnic, linguistic, cultural and religious backgrounds from different regions of Indonesia. The AMN is designed to be a residence for students studying at various colleges in the region.

The Regional Directorate of Strategic Prasarana of the Ministry of PUPR, Endra Bekti, stated that the construction of the entire facility at AMN Manado continues to proceed well. Efforts to accelerate construction, especially in Block A, which is Putra’s dormitory building, are being carried out together with the contractors.

“Manado’s AMN development is continuing, especially block A,” said Endra Bekti.

Under the responsibility of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), the Ministry of Public Works and People’s Housing (PUPR), the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, the Ministries of Religion, as well as the Department of Defence, the construction of AMN is expected to be a symbol of government commitment in improving the quality of human resources (SDM) in Indonesia.

The North Sulawesi Provincial Regional Secretary, Steve HA Kepel, reaffirmed that the development of the Manado AMN is not just a physical development project. Moreover, the AMN should be able to be a conducive place for students to learn, create, and collaborate, thereby boosting the quality of SDM in the region.

“The development of AMN Manado is not just a physical building but a symbol of our commitment to human resource development,” said Steve Kepel.

AMN Manado, along with AMN in Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Malang, and Makassar, is part of government efforts to create a supportive environment for students from a wide range of cultural, linguistic, and religious backgrounds. The facility is expected to be a comfortable residence and at the same time a container for strengthening the unity and unity among the students, as well as preparing them to become a generation of qualified nation successors. (*)

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