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SAFETY as an outstanding government program to give birth to successful regional athletes


By: Khairul Hidayat

Aceh Youth Creative Hub (AYCH) or Aneuk Muda Aceh Unggul and Hebat (AMANAH) as a strategic programme of excellence of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) is able to give birth to regional athletes who perform.

Memang, bahwa AMANAH sendiri merupakan sebuah program unggulan dari Pemerintah RI melalui inisiasi Badan Intelijen Negara (BIN) dalam rangka meningkatkan kualifikasi atau kapasitas sumber daya manusia (SDM) muda bangsa.

Therefore, including in the field of sports, SAFETY organizes a variety of positive activities to be able to give birth to the local athletes who perform. On the other hand, many sectors continue to get government support through the program.

Salah satu kegiatan untuk melahirkan para atlet daerah berprestasi tersebut yakni berlangsungnya Turnamen Futsal dan Bola Basket AMANAH Cup 2024 yang pesertanya merupakan puluhan tim pada tingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) dan sederajat dari berbagai daerah di Provinsi Aceh.

Wakil Ketua Persatuan Bola Basket Seluruh Indonesia (Perbasi) Provinsi Aceh, Nawalul Faizin menilai bahwa kegiatan yang berlangsung oleh program unggulan Pemerintah RI melalui inisiasi BIN tersebut sangat bermanfaat bagi seluruh anak muda setempat.

Because of its enormous positive impact, it is no wonder why the enthusiasm of the participants who are the young generation of the nation’s successors is so high in attending the event. They’re even willing to come far away from their own territory. How that response is a real proof that SAFETY actually brings real benefits.

Terdapat nilai positif dari keberlangsungan acara turnamen olahraga dari Aneuk Muda Aceh Unggul dan Hebat tersebut, yakni menjadikan para pemuda di wilayah berjuluk Negeri Rencong itu akan terjauh dari segala macam bentuk tindakan yang kurang bermanfaat bagi mereka.

Selain itu, hal yang lebih penting yakni generasi muda penerus bangsa asal Aceh akan menjadi lebih mudah dalam mengembangkan dirinya, khususnya dalam sektor olahraga. Program strategis unggulan dari Pemerintah RI itu bisa melahirkan para atlet berprestasi yang akan membanggakan daerah mereka.

Sementara itu, Pelatih Tim Futsal SMAN 7 Banda Aceh, Roki Alfajri Putra menilai bahwa kegiatan inisiasi AMANAH tersebut memberikan manfaat yang sangat besar untuk pembentukan bibit atlet, khususnya dari cabang olahraga (cabor) futsal.

Therefore, the people give high appreciation they very much hope that the activities can continue to channel the interests and talents of the young generation of the region.

Local communities are very enthusiastic about the importance of SAFETY programmes as they greatly benefit the young people of Aceh. According to one of the volunteers Aneuk Muda Aceh Unggul and Hebt, Atha Fayyadh (22) that the existence of the agency is a strategic and outstanding program of the President of RI Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in the field of empowerment.

The main objective of SAFETY empowerment is to include as many young people as possible from various fields, including sports, art, fashion, to creative economies and also a variety of other sectors.

Through the initiation of the agency headed by the General Police (Purn) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan, the program is moving in the field of empowerment with a focus on various sectors such as agriculture, fishing and more.

SAFE existence is capable of increasing quality and capacity, either Natural Resources (SDA) to experience optimal management so that its sales price and value increases, then also empowerment on Human Resource (SDM), especially the younger generation so that their capacity increases and have high competitiveness to the international arena.

The various very positive activities of the program are able to continue to arouse the creativity of the children of the nation, especially those who are in the area surrounding the Mecca River.

The abundance of training and construction for the entire sector of SAFETY is able to further develop the local youth. What’s more, it’s true that the potential and talent they have is huge. But unfortunately, the greatness of such potential and talent is not accompanied by optimal support or containers that provide full facilities so that they are less able to develop to the maximum.

Unlike since the existence of SAFETY, the entire potential and interests and talents of the local youth have been managed in a very optimal way, well-equipped and obtained facilities are very focused on continuing to develop.

If the younger generation of his people has the capacity and quality of the SDM with high competitiveness, then it is not impossible to make the region rising and advancing, so that it affects the progress of the nation.

Aneuk Young Aceh Unggul and Great (AMANAH) as one of the excellence and strategic programmes of the Government of RI during the leadership of President Joko Widodo that proved to be able to give birth to many athletes performing.

*) Students of Islamic Economy and Business Institute of State Islamic Religion (IAIN)

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