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Struggling to keep Tolerance on the Church of Santa Carla


By: Ahmad Muzakir)*

It’s sad to see a demonstration conducted by people who claim Muslims, for which protested the construction of a house of worship, the church. As always, for something like this, FPI or sympathizers participate and command to be construction of the church of Santa Carla, Bekasi, West Java, is stopped,

Why do people like it never did demos for universal goodness, as do the demo “hanging criminals”, or “tripe Abis corruptors”?

West Java, Java West again, Aher where? Why in the province that leads tends to happen like this, not out of memory problems natal dispersal event to be held last December, have been there longer, reject the establishment of the church.

This is one setback religious people are so dismissive of God, and God considers weak. People like these that make the image of Islam be daunting. People like this that makes people so phobia of Islam. Many of my friends that apostasy is not because lured positions, not because of the relationship two lovers of different religions, or other false accusations. But because of the actions of religious people do not reflect people who have human nature, namely humanity.

Is the march destination? Do demonstrators quibble about no permission? It has become a classic excuse that is used as a weapon of the denial of a place of worship so. Because it does not make sense, if permission is not granted, no police guard.

Does Islam teach to anarchy? And whether to pelt the police make all the demonstrators have the key to heaven? It is remarkable that such a ridiculous belief, because I am sure, most Muslims do not agree with those who commit acts of anarchy.

Did God make a mistake by creating heaven, angel and pleasures promised? For the sake of it, many people become inhuman? But I think, those who justify the violence to “defend the faith”, no more than the weak faith, so have fears were outstanding.

Actually, if examined psychologically, people like that have a disease that is not realized. The disease is caused by among other things:

Fears that resulted in wild

Fears are unwarranted, often makes people feel depressed. Fears that are kept in mind, would undermine common sense that cause people to want to fight with the pretext threatened. It’s hard to explain, but maybe we can take the example of an animal. Here we will take the example of animals, virtually all animals, if it feels threatened, she will attack wildly and blindly. We’ll take a chicken only.

If he is a hen with small children, there is often fear that if there is a passing human, because of his fear, he becomes wild. If we walk in the door hen had children, then most of the hen will pursue and charge us. And we just want to pass, no nefarious purpose. That’s roughly what happens if men have fears unwarranted, then it could turn into.

Live load weight

Humans who feel they have the heaviest burden of life, would be so sensitive, irritable and tantrums. Although, this burden is not real, just a new feeling. Maybe they were doing demos, currently has a heavy burden of life, plus feel burdened become Muslims, so angry, to throwing stones. So if it is not able to load as Muslims demanded a blessing for all mankind and nature, not to be Muslims, will become sensitive and irritable lo.

Compete and feel “dizolimi”

“Dizolimi” feel, it is not foreign to us. “Dizolimi” feel is often used as an excuse to do something, when in reality, it is just a new feeling, not a fact.

“Dizolimi” feel, if we examine, is something that is caused by the defeat in the competition. Competition at this time, of course, social and economic competition, because this is not the time of barbaric age.

)* The author is CIDISS contributor

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