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Supporting the Security of the 2024 Regional Elections: Upholding Professionalism and Neutrality


By: Davina Gunawan

The neutrality of the bureaucracy in regional elections (Pilkada) is an absolute necessity in the framework of a modern democratic state. Because bureaucracy is a public institution established and funded by the community through taxes, fees, and other levies to serve all layers of society. Therefore, the bureaucracy must be free from the ties of political parties and groups.
In preparation for the security of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections, the Metro Jaya Police Chief, Inspector General Karyoto, invites the public to be wise in responding to this democratic celebration. The public is urged not to excessively support candidates to the point that it leads to undesirable outcomes. According to him, regional elections are a normal and common thing. The transformation of leadership has the right to vote and does not need to be defended or supported in excessive ways.
The police chief stated that the police and related parties are ready to ensure that the security for the regional elections conducted by the Operation Unit Mantap Praja Jaya 2024 runs smoothly. The community should work together to maintain security and public order ahead of the regional elections. Through collaboration and synergy, it is hoped that the ranks can anticipate all forms of vulnerabilities.
Not only that, the Chief of Police requested all personnel involved in the 2024 Mantap Praja Jaya Operation to map out all forms of vulnerabilities, including anticipating the potential for conflict in each region. They are tightening security measures to anticipate risks in areas with high vulnerability. Meanwhile, in other areas, they continue to prepare as much security as possible and are conducting detailed mapping of potential conflicts in their respective regions, so that these potential conflicts can be resolved down to the root of the problem.
For your information, the Metro Jaya Police deployed a total of 88,365 joint personnel in the 2024 Mantap Praja Jaya Operation, which is being held for 140 days starting from August 14, 2024. These joint personnel will be distributed across a total of 31,963 polling stations within the jurisdiction of the Metro Jaya Police.
Meanwhile, the Tangerang City Metro Police have conducted a City Security System Simulation (Sispamkota) to anticipate potential conflicts during the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections in Tangerang City. The Metro Tangerang City Police Chief, Kombes Pol Zain Dwi Nugroho, stated that the Sispamkota simulation process is part of the preparations for the follow-up to ensure the success of the 2024 Mantap Praja Jaya Police Operation. The simulation consists of a series of exercises from various security scenarios, ranging from the security of the candidate registration period, the campaign period, the quiet period, the voting process, the vote counting, and the vote recapitulation.
They are also continuously enhancing the security preparations for the 2024 regional elections to ensure the readiness of personnel, facilities, and the coordination across sectors to anticipate any unwanted conflicts. This simulation was attended by a joint security team consisting of the National Police, the Indonesian National Armed Forces, Mobile Brigade, and the City Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) of Tangerang, with a total of 830 personnel.

Not only that, the simulation also serves as a momentum for coordinating all layers of society in mapping out potential conflicts that could disrupt security, order, and smoothness during the upcoming 2024 regional elections. Community involvement is also considered important in realizing a safe and orderly local election in Tangerang City. Therefore, they are also inviting the community to contribute to the success of the 2024 regional elections.
Furthermore, in facing the Simultaneous Regional Elections in 2024, which will be held in November 2024, the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police have intensified preparations to tighten security by conducting operations as well as analysis and evaluation of the security situation. The police chief stated that his team will continue to maximize the role of intelligence and community policing officers in detecting potential security disturbances that could disrupt the smooth running of the regional elections.
In addition, regular patrols will also be conducted extensively in vulnerable places and times to prevent disturbances to public order and security. That step is part of the hard work of the Southeast Sulawesi Police in ensuring that the regional election process runs smoothly and safely. This is important to enhance public trust in the democratic process that will take place in Southeast Sulawesi.
On the other hand, a member of the Bali Bawaslu, Ketut Ariyani, emphasized the importance of the Community Protection Unit (Linmas), which plays a crucial role in maintaining security and order during the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections. Linmas itself has the function of ensuring peace and order in the community, particularly in maintaining security at polling stations. According to her, Linmas must uphold integrity, professionalism, and neutrality in overseeing the implementation of the 2024 elections, so that a orderly, conducive, safe, and secure situation can be guaranteed during the process.
Therefore, it is essential for all elements of society to take part in overseeing all stages of the 2024 regional elections to ensure they proceed safely and peacefully. Security forces and related parties are also expected to collaborate and synergize in upholding professionalism, neutrality, and addressing potential vulnerabilities that may arise during the implementation of the 2024 regional elections.

The writer is a contributor to the Nusantara Reading Space.

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