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Appreciation for Security Preventing Year-End Terror BIN and TNI/Polri


By: Ridwan Putra Khalan )*

Very high appreciation should be given to all security forces and also the synergy carried out by BIN and the TNI/Polri for continuing to strive to maintain and carry out maximum security so as to be able to prevent potential threats of acts of terrorism at the end of 2022.

Towards the end of 2022, security must be even tighter, primarily to prevent threats of terrorism, because it is very prone to bombings. Therefore, the security forces continue to intensify various efforts, including carrying out raids so that terrorists can be caught and detected early so that they cannot carry out their actions at all.

This is because the true year-end celebration is synonymous with holidays and some Indonesians celebrate Christmas with great joy. However, this joy could be threatened because of the security of the community when carrying out holidays .

Therefore, various threats and potential for public security and order (Kamtibmas) should not really happen. To be able to prevent all of this, the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) is collaborating with the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) and the Indonesian National Police (Polri) to be able to continue to prevent potential terror ahead of the end of the year.

BIN, TNI and POLRI even have a very strong commitment to continue to work together in preventing all attacks and acts of terrorism during Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023. Regarding this matter, Operation Lilin 2022 was carried out. National Police Chief Gen. Pol. Listyo Sigit Prabowo stated that the terrorist threat is indeed a very serious disturbance and must be monitored and anticipated through early detection and strict prevention efforts.

In fact, he emphasized that the terrorist act, which had previously occurred at the Astanaanyar (Bandung) Police, absolutely should not be repeated. Therefore, in the future early detection and prevention strike really intensified to be able to prevent all acts of terror.

Regarding efforts to prevent terrorist acts, the National Police Chief added that his staff would continue to make the best possible efforts, namely increasing strict security at crowded centers, places of worship and other places considered to have the potential to become targets of terror attacks.

Furthermore, the Special Datasement Team ( Densus ) 88 Anti- terror of the National Police has indeed gone a long way to continue monitoring all areas of Indonesia that are identified as having pockets of terrorist networks. His party also conducts sterilization in places where crowds occur, including places of worship.

The sterilization and early prevention efforts are carried out by installing x – rays , including the community will also be examined, regarding what items they carry and restrictions will be placed on them. Even the National Police is able to ensure that the year-end celebrations carried out by the community will run safely and smoothly.

synergy that has occurred between BIN, TNI and Polri has also continued to involve the Regional Government (Pemda ) together with community organizations (Ormas) and also youth organizations in the regions. The National Police Chief also appealed to all elements of society to be able to participate in maintaining the security and conduciveness of their respective regions to avoid terrorist threats.

meanwhile _ Meanwhile , the TNI Commander, Admiral Yudo Margono emphasized that his staff would support the Polri in anticipating acts of terror at the end of the year. He even stated that currently the TNI itself already has an anti- terror squad , which continues to be on alert and synergizes with the National Police. If something does happen, the TNI is immediately ready to provide assistance.

Meanwhile, the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK), Muhadjir Effendy fully entrusted the handling of terrorists to the National Police through Densus 88 Anti- terror , including also appealing to all parties to continue to increase their vigilance.

The security forces, namely BIN and TNI/Polri continue to make efforts to prevent acts of terror towards the end of the year. Lots of preparations have been made, including the existence of a security post and carrying out Operation Lilin 2022 in an effort to prevent the threat of disruption to Kamtibmas that might occur. With all the efforts that have been made including the synergy that has been formed, indeed the entire Indonesian people should give a very big appreciation to all security forces.

All the readiness that has been carried out by BIN and TNI/Polri in year-end security to prevent acts of terrorism shows a very integrated cohesiveness. This sends a message to anyone that the security forces in Indonesia are very ready to face anything . They deserve to be rewarded for their dedication to ensuring that Nataru runs safely, smoothly and without interruption, so that conduciveness is maintained in the country.

)* The author is a contributor to Nusantara Reading Room

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