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Religious Leaders Reject Radicalism


By: Alif Fikri)*

Radicalism has been proven to damage the harmony of a country, radicalism is like a parasite, which if left unchecked will destroy. So that the existence of this understanding should be rejected from the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

The General Chairperson of the Palangka Raya Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership who is also an advisor to the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of Palangka Raya City, Sofyan Sori, firmly invites the community in the local area to reject radical and intolerant ideas that can disrupt regional security.

Sofyan said, actually in Islam there is no such thing as radical, but there is a fight against each other and in Islam it is clear that if there is a problem then do tabayyun, because if there is no tabayyun, radicalism will most likely arise.

One of the reasons for the emergence of radicalism is because of a lack of understanding in Islam, so Muhammadiyah, with the slogan of Progressive Islam, definitely rejects the emergence of radicalism, intolerance and terrorism or hate speech that can disrupt security and order in society.

According to Sofyan, that radicalism is a deviation and the emergence of radical understanding in the community is a narrowness or misunderstanding, aka admitting Islam but not behaving in Islam. Therefore, Muhammadiyah through education, recitation and other religious activities, always teaches true Islam without any radicalism.

Sofyan explained that Islam is conditioning, peace and prosperity. Religious leaders have an important role in rejecting radicalism, because the active role of religious leaders can be good examples to convey messages of diversity to the public in order to be aware of the emergence of radical movements in Indonesia.

On a different occasion, the General Chair of PBNU, KH Said Aqil Siradj ensured that no Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Islamic boarding school was contaminated with radicalism in Indonesia.

According to him, radical understanding arises because of a narrow and rigid understanding of religion. According to him, a narrow and rigid understanding of religion is created because of little knowledge. PBNU also supports the issuance of an Anti-Terrorism Law which is sharper and more capable of anticipating the potential for acts of terrorism.

He also encouraged educational institutions within NU to be able to build the critical power of the younger generation in digesting information in cyberspace. Because radical understanding has infiltrated a lot through the world of education. PBNU also requested that the Kemenkominfo can firmly and shut down sites that spread radicalism, because from these sites the roots of understanding that foster acts of terrorism.

Said also said that during the two periods he led PBNU, he was also always active in maintaining unity and unity in Indonesia. He also explained that the various practices and beliefs of the people were so great, the role of NU was not only to shape the nation’s civilization but also to be an inspiration for world civilization.

In addition, in the Indonesian context, NU has also become an organization that plays an important role in the integration of Islam and the state, it is proven until now that NU has always been committed to maintaining the existence of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and consistently maintaining the ideology of Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution.

The characteristic of NU’s thinking regarding the relationship between Islam and the State is moderate where NU recognizes the concepts of nationalism and democracy in Indonesia. With this understanding of the state, when ideas emerge that are anti-nationalism and democracy in Indonesia, it will be an urgent matter for NU to respond to it.

All of the management and leadership at NU, both figures and scholars, have proven to be against the ideas brought by radical movements, such as those that fight for the establishment of an Islamic State in the form of a Khilafah. NU is not only able to master the pesantren tradition, there are also many NU cadres who are graduates of various prestigious universities both at home and abroad.

Meanwhile, the General Chairperson of PP Muhammadiyah, Haedar Nasir said that Pancasila has a moderate basic character which is not in line with extreme radicalism.

Haedar said, extreme radicalism is contrary to the moderate spirit of Pancasila. Therefore, Haedar asked that loyalist and critical minds that live in the body of the Indonesian nation should contain moderate thoughts or the middle way and not have extreme radical paradigms.

In a moderate position, Pancasila cannot be interpreted with any radical and extreme views because it will conflict with the nature of Pancasila.

The Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ma’ruf Amin, has asked Islamic boarding schools in schools to develop moderate teachings for their students. According to him, the teaching that should be taught to students is an understanding that can accept life in the life of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, namely Indonesian Muslims.

Ma’ruf also advised that the sa

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