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The presence of OPM disrupts security stability in Papua.


By: Marcus Wonda *)

The government has been striving for years to promote a peaceful approach through various policies, including dialogue with various parties and infrastructure development in Papua. However, these efforts are often hindered by acts of violence carried out by armed groups of the Free Papua Organization. (OPM). This separatist action not only causes physical harm but also erodes public trust in the ongoing peace process.
However, OPM continues to demonstrate actions that disrupt security stability in Papua, one of which that has drawn international attention is the shooting of New Zealand helicopter pilot, Glen Malcolm Conning. The attack that occurred in the Alama District, Mimika Regency, Central Papua, was carried out with violence using firearms and sharp weapons, resulting in Glen being killed on the spot.
Kapen Kogabwilhan III, Colonel Inf Winaryo stated that the actions of OPM not only hinder development efforts in Papua but also undermine the peace that has been sought for a long time. The Alama District, which was previously relatively safe despite the absence of a permanent military or police presence, is now shaken by this incident. The instability caused by the attack has worsened the comfort of the local community.
The helicopter flown by Glen is an official flight, registered in the civil schedule, and departed from Timika to Alama as part of a humanitarian mission contracted by the Mimika Health Service. However, OPM still considers the flight a violation of their territorial claims and has taken brutal actions that violate human rights. (HAM).
In addition to direct attacks on the community, the OPM also frequently spreads hoaxes to manipulate public perception and create fear and intimidation. It is not uncommon for OPM to spread false news to attack the government.
The use of social media by the OPM and its sympathizers as a platform for spreading false information increasingly complicates the government’s efforts to maintain stability in Papua. These hoaxes and provocations not only disrupt security but also tarnish Papua’s image at the national and international levels, negatively impacting development and investment in the region. Therefore, the hoaxes spread by OPM pose a threat that must be watched out for, to prevent triggering larger social conflicts.
The actions of OPM that often disregard human rights, especially towards civilians, have become a recurring pattern of violence. This situation triggers an urgent need for security forces, both the military and the police, to take decisive action in enforcing the law to ensure stability and peace in the Papua region. The responsibility to uphold the sovereignty of the nation and protect civilians must remain a top priority, even as challenges from separatist groups like OPM continue to loom.
Frits Ramandey, Head of the Papua National Human Rights Commission Representative, emphasized that the murder and burning of innocent civilians is a form of cruelty that cannot be justified under any circumstances. Such actions not only violate the law but also create deep fear and insecurity among the people of Papua.
The quick response from the Cartenz Peace Task Force and the Brimob Battalion C of the Papua Police deserves appreciation in handling this critical situation. Ramandey hopes that swift, accurate, honest, and fair law enforcement is prioritized to ensure that the perpetrators of these crimes are punished in accordance with the applicable legal provisions. It is important to restore a sense of justice among the community and provide adequate protection for the victims’ families.

Firm action is expected to restore stability and security in Papua, which has been disrupted by violence perpetrated by the OPM. One of the efforts being made is military operations and intensive patrols, as carried out by the Task Force (Satgas) of the Peace Operation Cartenz 2024. This patrol aims to maintain security and provide a sense of safety to the community from disturbances caused by separatist groups. In addition to operations on the ground, the government has also issued an ultimatum to the OPM to cease a series of violent actions.
The actions of OPM are not only condemned by security forces but also by various elements of society. The Chairman of the Papua Land Student and Youth Forum (Formapa), Charles Kossay, emphasized his full support for the security forces in taking action against this separatist group. Community support is crucial to ensure that the development process in Papua is not hindered by OPM violence.
Meanwhile, Syafuan Rozi, a researcher at the BRIN Political Research Center, also emphasized that military operations against the OPM are a necessary step, considering the escalating conflict in Papua. Syafuan described this military operation as a “shock therapy” that is expected to bring the OPM to the negotiating table, which they have so far rejected. According to him, like other militant groups in various parts of the world, OPM has adequate weaponry and logistics, so a military approach may be the only way to force them to engage in dialogue.
Support for security forces in addressing the OPM is a crucial key to ensuring that Papua progresses towards a better, peaceful, and prosperous future. The combination of decisive government action, community support, and sustainable development will help Papua become a safe and prosperous region for all its people, allowing peace to be fully realized in the Land of Cenderawasih.

*) Social observer from Papua

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