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The President invites the whole party to celebrate the 79th Independence HUT of RI at IKN


by Ardian Winata.

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has invited all elements of the nation to participate in the successful commemoration of the 79th Independence Day (HUT) of the Republic of Indonesia in the capital of Nusantara (IKN), East Kalimantan. This is not just a ceremonial call, but a call to strengthen the national spirit in the midst of the great transition that the Indonesian nation is undergoing.
The choice of IKN as the venue for this year’s HUT RI celebrations is not without reason. The ICT, which is currently in the development phase, has become a symbol of Indonesia’s great vision for achieving development and social justice. The commemoration in this place is expected to be a momentum to demonstrate the commitment of the entire element of the nation in support of the national strategic project that is hoped to take Indonesia into a new era of progress and prosperity.
The warning in the IKN also contains a profound symbolic meaning, namely as a representation of the spirit of gotong royong and the unity that is the foundation of this country. In the context of IKN development, President Jokowi’s call for the people to join and succeed in HUT RI in this place is an invitation to embrace change with an optimistic attitude and work together for a better future of Indonesia.
President Jokowi strongly expressed optimism about the development of ICT, although he acknowledged that there is still a lot of work to be done. In his visit to IKN on 29 July 2024, the President stated that preparations for the August 17 celebration were well under way, and that major facilities such as water, electricity, and the Internet were sufficient to support activities there.

President Jokowi’s message is addressed not only to officials and project developers at IKN, but also to the general public. The Head of State requested the Deputy Governor of Eastern Kalimantan, Akmal Malik, to ensure the participation of all elements of the community in the successful ceremony of the HUT RI at IKN. Malik in his statement, expressed Kaltim’s readiness to support the implementation of the national ceremony that was held for the first time outside of Jakarta.
President Jokowi’s appeal also reflects the importance of unity in diversity. Indonesia, with its diverse tribes, religions, and cultures, must regard differences as a force, not a divider. The warning of the HUT RI in the IKN attended by various elements of the nation will be the real existence of Bhinneka Singh Ika’s prayer, which means different but still one.
Public participation around IKN is also expected not only as an audience, but also as part of the major transformation that is under way. Their involvement not only in the ceremony but also in the broader development process will be an indicator of ICT success as a new symbol of national unity and development.
Interestingly, in this preparation, President Jokowi also involved influencers and celebrities like Raffi Ahmad, Nagita Slavina, Gading Marten, and others. Their presence is expected to attract the attention of the younger generation and the wider community, as well as reinforce the message that ICT is a project for all citizens, not just for the political elite or the big developers.
In terms of security, Chief of Staff of TNI Letjen TNI Bambang Ismawan said about 800 TNI soldiers will be deployed to serve as ceremonial officers at IKN. TNI will also ensure VVIP security in accordance with the standards in force, given that President Jokowi and President-elect will be present at the location.
The high enthusiasm among the local community for the holding of the HUT RI ceremony at IKN shows that the project has generated a deep sense of pride and commitment. The mayor of Balikpapan, Rahmad Mas’ud, who was one of the first guests at the IKN Presidential Palace, expressed his pride and expressed support for this initiative.
President Jokowi’s move invited the public to witness the ceremony live and provided a monitor screen at some points showing his intention to involve the public more widely. This is in line with the larger message of this celebration: that ICT is not only a symbol of capital movement, but also an symbol of inclusiveness and cohesion.

President Jokowi’s invitation to successfully commemorate HUT RI at IKN is a call to unite the entire element of the nation in the spirit of fresh and inclusive nationalism. The ICT project, with all its challenges, is a reflection of gotong royong’s spirit and joint ambition to build a better future. The success of this event will be proof that with cooperation and a spirit of solidarity, Indonesia is able to face any challenge and realize its ideals as a developed and prosperous nation.
The active participation of all elements of the community, including local governments, TNI, influencers, and the general public, can also be the key to the success of this commemoration and at the same time mark a new stage in the journey of the Indonesian nation. With this spirit of gotong royong, Indonesia can keep moving forward and become a strong and competitive nation in the global arena.

)* The author is an observer of LSISI social policy

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