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Unemployment Percentage in Kotawaringin Barat regency increase

Pangkalan Bun

By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS, Central Kalimantan – Unemployment is a problem in every region. It is caused by the job seeker number is higher than job vacancy. It makes the number of unemployment increase. Even, board of labor and transmigration has done many ways to decrease, but the unemployment problem is difficult to make it be zero.

It is adding by the number of job seeker who has graduated from High School and bachelor in every year, they are difficult to get job, and then they become unemployment.

It is also faced by Kotawaringin Barat regency, Central Kalimantan province. Actually, there are many palm oil corporations and palm oil plantations, but they do not quite help in decreasing the number of unemployment. Since 2015, this region has number of unemployment about 2.642 people. That number increase in 2016; about 2.2 %.

Head of Board of labor and transmigration Kotawaringin Barat, Ahmad Yadi said that many corporations do not report the job vacancy to his party.

The programs to decrease the number of unemployment by the board seem not work properly. It also makes the number of unemployment increasing rapidly. Moreover, there are some cases that employment is fired from the corporation because they will decrease the number of employment.

“The obstacle, there are many corporation is naughty, do not report the job vacancy to board. Previous year, there is letter from regent; Mention the corporation must report the job vacancy information, we were also give warn to some corporations,” said him

The hiding of job vacancy information by corporation, is become basic reason that board said they difficult to solve the unemployment problem. It is adding by corporation that they claim the economic situation is quite blue, and then they fired the employment to decrease the number of employment.

“Economic situation is quite blue, we do not open for job vacancy, meanwhile we fired some,” said Arifin, manager of Palm Oil Plantation Corporation.

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