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Managing Diversity with Tolerance: The Key to Harmony in National Life


By  : Pujiastuti 

Observer of Interfaith Harmony )

Indonesia is known as a country with extraordinary diversity, both in terms of ethnicity, customs, and religion. This diversity is a gift that characterizes our nation. However, behind this diversity, there is a potential threat that needs to be watched out for, namely the emergence of conflict due to the imposition of the will of certain groups who want all parties to follow their views.know their interpretation. This is where the importance of tolerance lies in maintaining harmony in community life, especially in the run-up to Christmas and New Year celebrations.

Tolerance is an attitude of respecting and appreciating the differences around us. With tolerance, we can live side by side peacefully despite having different views, beliefs, or habits. Former Minister of Religion, Lukman Hakim Saifuddin, once explained that there are five levels of tolerance that can be used as a guide in community life. 

The first step is to be aware of differences. This awareness helps us accept that Indonesia is home to a variety of tribes, religions, cultures, and languages. This awareness of diversity prevents us from imposing certain views on others.

The second step is to be willing to learn and understand differences. Social friction often arises from ignorance or misunderstanding. By learning and understanding differences, we can avoid prejudice against others. After that, the next step is to respect other people’s choices and beliefs. 

Respect does not mean having to agree, but rather accepting that each individual has the right to their own choices. The fourth step is to facilitate those who are different. Tolerance does not stop at respect, but also supports or at least does not hinder others in practicing their beliefs and traditions. The highest level is synergy, where all parties collaborate to achieve a common goal without questioning differences.

As Christmas and New Year approaches, the typical Christmas atmosphere begins to be felt, both in shopping centers and at work. Christmas tree decorations, Christmas-themed songs, and typical Christmas accessories often become symbols of celebration. In addition, Christmas and New Year greetings are a form of respect for Christians who celebrate it. 

However, not everyone has the same view on this matter. There are some individuals or groups who feel that the use of Christmas accessories or giving greetings is not in accordance with their beliefs. This often becomes a debate that, if not managed properly, can trigger conflict.

By understanding the level of tolerance, we can manage these differences in attitude wisely. Those who feel uncomfortable with the use of accessories or giving greetings can choose not to do so without having to judge others who do so. Conversely, those who support this tradition should also not impose their views on others. This attitude of mutual respect will create a peaceful atmosphere that supports social harmony.

The elected Mayor of Jambi for the 2024-2025 period, Dr. dr. Maulana MKM said that the spirit of Christmas is important to strengthen harmony in society, and maintain tolerance and harmony between religious communities. Maulana hopes that the spirit of Christmas can strengthen community unity in facing challenges.

Tolerance is not only about understanding or respecting differences, but also about creating harmony in diversity. An attitude of tolerance can prevent unnecessary friction and help maintain social stability, especially at important moments such as Christmas and New Year. Tolerance also teaches us to focus on the essence of celebration, namely happiness, compassion, and gratitude. That way, the differences that exist are no longer obstacles, but become wealth that beautifies community life.

Although important, realizing an attitude of tolerance is not easy. There are still challenges in the form of prejudice and stereotypes that often trigger conflict. Ignorance is also a source of misunderstanding, coupled with provocation from irresponsible parties who deliberately exploit differences to divide society. 

To overcome this challenge, an active role is needed from all parties, including the government, religious leaders, and the general public. Early tolerance education is also important so that the younger generation can grow into individuals who value diversity.

Christmas and New Year can be used as a momentum to strengthen tolerance. Concrete steps that can be taken include increasing interfaith dialogue so that we can share views and strengthen understanding of each other’s beliefs.

In addition, holding joint activities such as community service or community events can be a means to strengthen relationships between groups. Society also needs to be wiser in filtering information, especially information that has the potential to divide. Something as simple as giving space to Christians to celebrate Christmas peacefully is already a great form of tolerance.

Tolerance is the key to maintaining national unity, especially amidst the diversity that exists in Indonesia. As Christmas and New Year approach, let us make this moment an opportunity to strengthen tolerance and harmony. By respecting and appreciating differences, we can create a peaceful, harmonious, and united society. Because in the end, diversity is strength, not weakness.

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