* Adds variations sourced from block style variations files to the supplied theme.json data.
* @since 6.6.0
* @param array $data Array following the theme.json specification.
* @param array $variations Shared block style variations.
* @return array Theme json data including shared block style variation definitions.
private static function inject_variations_from_block_style_variation_files( $data, $variations ) {
if ( empty( $variations ) ) {
return $data;
foreach ( $variations as $variation ) {
if ( empty( $variation['styles'] ) || empty( $variation['blockTypes'] ) ) {
$variation_name = $variation['slug'] ?? _wp_to_kebab_case( $variation['title'] );
foreach ( $variation['blockTypes'] as $block_type ) {
// First, override partial styles with any top-level styles.
$top_level_data = $data['styles']['variations'][ $variation_name ] ?? array();
if ( ! empty( $top_level_data ) ) {
$variation['styles'] = array_replace_recursive( $variation['styles'], $top_level_data );
// Then, override styles so far with any block-level styles.
$block_level_data = $data['styles']['blocks'][ $block_type ]['variations'][ $variation_name ] ?? array();
if ( ! empty( $block_level_data ) ) {
$variation['styles'] = array_replace_recursive( $variation['styles'], $block_level_data );
$path = array( 'styles', 'blocks', $block_type, 'variations', $variation_name );
_wp_array_set( $data, $path, $variation['styles'] );
return $data;
* Adds variations sourced from the block styles registry to the supplied theme.json data.
* @since 6.6.0
* @param array $data Array following the theme.json specification.
* @return array Theme json data including shared block style variation definitions.
private static function inject_variations_from_block_styles_registry( $data ) {
$registry = WP_Block_Styles_Registry::get_instance();
$styles = $registry->get_all_registered();
foreach ( $styles as $block_type => $variations ) {
foreach ( $variations as $variation_name => $variation ) {
if ( empty( $variation['style_data'] ) ) {
// First, override registry styles with any top-level styles.
$top_level_data = $data['styles']['variations'][ $variation_name ] ?? array();
if ( ! empty( $top_level_data ) ) {
$variation['style_data'] = array_replace_recursive( $variation['style_data'], $top_level_data );
// Then, override styles so far with any block-level styles.
$block_level_data = $data['styles']['blocks'][ $block_type ]['variations'][ $variation_name ] ?? array();
if ( ! empty( $block_level_data ) ) {
$variation['style_data'] = array_replace_recursive( $variation['style_data'], $block_level_data );
$path = array( 'styles', 'blocks', $block_type, 'variations', $variation_name );
_wp_array_set( $data, $path, $variation['style_data'] );
return $data;
ng $duotone_selector The block's duotone selector. e.g. '.wp-block-image img'.
* @param string $filter_value The filter CSS value. e.g. 'url(#wp-duotone-blue-orange)' or 'unset'.
private static function enqueue_global_styles_preset( $filter_id, $duotone_selector, $filter_value ) {
$global_styles_presets = self::get_all_global_styles_presets();
if ( ! array_key_exists( $filter_id, $global_styles_presets ) ) {
$error_message = sprintf(
/* translators: 1: Duotone filter ID, 2: theme.json */
__( 'The duotone id "%1$s" is not registered in %2$s settings' ),
_doing_it_wrong( __METHOD__, $error_message, '6.3.0' );
self::$used_global_styles_presets[ $filter_id ] = $global_styles_presets[ $filter_id ];
self::enqueue_custom_filter( $filter_id, $duotone_selector, $filter_value, $global_styles_presets[ $filter_id ] );
* Registers the style and colors block attributes for block types that support it.
* Block support is added with `supports.filter.duotone` in block.json.
* @since 6.3.0
* @param WP_Block_Type $block_type Block Type.
public static function register_duotone_support( $block_type ) {
* Previous `color.__experimentalDuotone` support flag is migrated
* to `filter.duotone` via `block_type_metadata_settings` filter.
if ( block_has_support( $block_type, array( 'filter', 'duotone' ), null ) ) {
if ( ! $block_type->attributes ) {
$block_type->attributes = array();
if ( ! array_key_exists( 'style', $block_type->attributes ) ) {
$block_type->attributes['style'] = array(
'type' => 'object',
* Get the CSS selector for a block type.
* This handles selectors defined in `color.__experimentalDuotone` support
* if `filter.duotone` support is not defined.
* @internal
* @since 6.3.0
* @param WP_Block_Type $block_type Block type to check for support.
* @return string|null The CSS selector or null if there is no support.
private static function get_selector( $block_type ) {
if ( ! ( $block_type instanceof WP_Block_Type ) ) {
return null;
* Backward compatibility with `supports.color.__experimentalDuotone`
* is provided via the `block_type_metadata_settings` filter. If
* `supports.filter.duotone` has not been set and the experimental
* property has been, the experimental property value is copied into
* `supports.filter.duotone`.
$duotone_support = block_has_support( $block_type, array( 'filter', 'duotone' ) );
if ( ! $duotone_support ) {
return null;
* If the experimental duotone support was set, that value is to be
* treated as a selector and requires scoping.
$experimental_duotone = isset( $block_type->supports['color']['__experimentalDuotone'] )
? $block_type->supports['color']['__experimentalDuotone']
: false;
if ( $experimental_duotone ) {
$root_selector = wp_get_block_css_selector( $block_type );
return is_string( $experimental_duotone )
? WP_Theme_JSON::scope_selector( $root_selector, $experimental_duotone )
: $root_selector;
// Regular filter.duotone support uses filter.duotone selectors with fallbacks.
return wp_get_block_css_selector( $block_type, array( 'filter', 'duotone' ), true );
* Scrape all possible duotone presets from global and theme styles and
* store them in self::$global_styles_presets.
* Used in conjunction with self::render_duotone_support for blocks that
* use duotone preset filters.
* @since 6.3.0
* @return array An array of global styles presets, keyed on the filter ID.
private static function get_all_global_styles_presets() {
if ( isset( self::$global_styles_presets ) ) {
return self::$global_styles_presets;
// Get the per block settings from the theme.json.
$tree = wp_get_global_settings();
$presets_by_origin = isset( $tree['color']['duotone'] ) ? $tree['color']['duotone'] : array();
self::$global_styles_presets = array();
foreach ( $presets_by_origin as $presets ) {
foreach ( $presets as $preset ) {
$filter_id = self::get_filter_id( _wp_to_kebab_case( $preset['slug'] ) );
self::$global_styles_presets[ $filter_id ] = $preset;
return self::$global_styles_presets;
* Scrape all block names from global styles and store in self::$global_styles_block_names.
* Used in conjunction with self::render_duotone_support to output the
* duotone filters defined in the theme.json global styles.
* @since 6.3.0
* @return string[] An array of global style block slugs, keyed on the block name.
private static function get_all_global_style_block_names() {
if ( isset( self::$global_styles_block_names ) ) {
return self::$global_styles_block_names;
// Get the per block settings from the theme.json.
$tree = WP_Theme_JSON_Resolver::get_merged_data();
$block_nodes = $tree->get_styles_block_nodes();
$theme_json = $tree->get_raw_data();
self::$global_styles_block_names = array();
foreach ( $block_nodes as $block_node ) {
// This block definition doesn't include any duotone settings. Skip it.
if ( empty( $block_node['duotone'] ) ) {
// Value looks like this: 'var(--wp--preset--duotone--blue-orange)' or 'var:preset|duotone|blue-orange'.
$duotone_attr_path = array_merge( $block_node['path'], array( 'filter', 'duotone' ) );
$duotone_attr = _wp_array_get( $theme_json, $duotone_attr_path, array() );
if ( empty( $duotone_attr ) ) {
// If it has a duotone filter preset, save the block name and the preset slug.
$slug = self::get_slug_from_attribute( $duotone_attr );
if ( $slug && $slug !== $duotone_attr ) {
self::$global_styles_block_names[ $block_node['name'] ] = $slug;
return self::$global_styles_block_names;
* Render out the duotone CSS styles and SVG.
* The hooks self::set_global_style_block_names and self::set_global_styles_presets
* must be called before this function.
* @since 6.3.0
* @param string $block_content Rendered block content.
* @param array $block Block object.
* @param WP_Block $wp_block The block instance.
* @return string Filtered block content.
public static function render_duotone_support( $block_content, $block, $wp_block ) {
if ( ! $block['blockName'] ) {
return $block_content;
$duotone_selector = self::get_selector( $wp_block->block_type );
if ( ! $duotone_selector ) {
return $block_content;
$global_styles_block_names = self::get_all_global_style_block_names();
// The block should have a duotone attribute or have duotone defined in its theme.json to be processed.
$has_duotone_attribute = isset( $block['attrs']['style']['color']['duotone'] );
$has_global_styles_duotone = array_key_exists( $block['blockName'], $global_styles_block_names );
if ( ! $has_duotone_attribute && ! $has_global_styles_duotone ) {
return $block_content;
// Generate the pieces needed for rendering a duotone to the page.
if ( $has_duotone_attribute ) {
* Possible values for duotone attribute:
* 1. Array of colors - e.g. array('#000000', '#ffffff').
* 2. Variable for an existing Duotone preset - e.g. 'var:preset|duotone|blue-orange' or 'var(--wp--preset--duotone--blue-orange)''
* 3. A CSS string - e.g. 'unset' to remove globally applied duotone.
$duotone_attr = $block['attrs']['style']['color']['duotone'];
$is_preset = is_string( $duotone_attr ) && self::is_preset( $duotone_attr );
$is_css = is_string( $duotone_attr ) && ! $is_preset;
$is_custom = is_array( $duotone_attr );
if ( $is_preset ) {
$slug = self::get_slug_from_attribute( $duotone_attr ); // e.g. 'blue-orange'.
$filter_id = self::get_filter_id( $slug ); // e.g. 'wp-duotone-filter-blue-orange'.
$filter_value = self::get_css_var( $slug ); // e.g. 'var(--wp--preset--duotone--blue-orange)'.
// CSS custom property, SVG filter, and block CSS.
self::enqueue_global_styles_preset( $filter_id, $duotone_selector, $filter_value );
} elseif ( $is_css ) {
$slug = wp_unique_id( sanitize_key( $duotone_attr . '-' ) ); // e.g. 'unset-1'.
$filter_id = self::get_filter_id( $slug ); // e.g. 'wp-duotone-filter-unset-1'.
$filter_value = $duotone_attr; // e.g. 'unset'.
// Just block CSS.
self::enqueue_block_css( $filter_id, $duotone_selector, $filter_value );
} elseif ( $is_custom ) {
$slug = wp_unique_id( sanitize_key( implode( '-', $duotone_attr ) . '-' ) ); // e.g. '000000-ffffff-2'.
$filter_id = self::get_filter_id( $slug ); // e.g. 'wp-duotone-filter-000000-ffffff-2'.
$filter_value = self::get_filter_url( $filter_id ); // e.g. 'url(#wp-duotone-filter-000000-ffffff-2)'.
$filter_data = array(
'slug' => $slug,
'colors' => $duotone_attr,
// SVG filter and block CSS.
self::enqueue_custom_filter( $filter_id, $duotone_selector, $filter_value, $filter_data );
} elseif ( $has_global_styles_duotone ) {
$slug = $global_styles_block_names[ $block['blockName'] ]; // e.g. 'blue-orange'.
$filter_id = self::get_filter_id( $slug ); // e.g. 'wp-duotone-filter-blue-orange'.
$filter_value = self::get_css_var( $slug ); // e.g. 'var(--wp--preset--duotone--blue-orange)'.
// CSS custom property, SVG filter, and block CSS.
self::enqueue_global_styles_preset( $filter_id, $duotone_selector, $filter_value );
// Like the layout hook, this assumes the hook only applies to blocks with a single wrapper.
$tags = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $block_content );
if ( $tags->next_tag() ) {
$tags->add_class( $filter_id );
return $tags->get_updated_html();
* Fixes the issue with our generated class name not being added to the block's outer container
* in classic themes due to gutenberg_restore_image_outer_container from layout block supports.
* @since 6.6.0
* @param string $block_content Rendered block content.
* @return string Filtered block content.
public static function restore_image_outer_container( $block_content ) {
if ( wp_theme_has_theme_json() ) {
return $block_content;
$tags = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $block_content );
$wrapper_query = array(
'tag_name' => 'div',
'class_name' => 'wp-block-image',
if ( ! $tags->next_tag( $wrapper_query ) ) {
return $block_content;
$tags->set_bookmark( 'wrapper-div' );
$inner_classnames = explode( ' ', $tags->get_attribute( 'class' ) );
foreach ( $inner_classnames as $classname ) {
if ( 0 === strpos( $classname, 'wp-duotone' ) ) {
$tags->remove_class( $classname );
$tags->seek( 'wrapper-div' );
$tags->add_class( $classname );
return $tags->get_updated_html();
* Appends the used block duotone filter declarations to the inline block supports CSS.
* Uses the declarations saved in earlier calls to self::enqueue_block_css.
* @since 6.3.0
public static function output_block_styles() {
if ( ! empty( self::$block_css_declarations ) ) {
'context' => 'block-supports',
* Appends the used global style duotone filter presets (CSS custom
* properties) to the inline global styles CSS.
* Uses the declarations saved in earlier calls to self::enqueue_global_styles_preset.
* @since 6.3.0
public static function output_global_styles() {
if ( ! empty( self::$used_global_styles_presets ) ) {
wp_add_inline_style( 'global-styles', self::get_global_styles_presets( self::$used_global_styles_presets ) );
* Outputs all necessary SVG for duotone filters, CSS for classic themes.
* Uses the declarations saved in earlier calls to self::enqueue_global_styles_preset
* and self::enqueue_custom_filter.
* @since 6.3.0
public static function output_footer_assets() {
if ( ! empty( self::$used_svg_filter_data ) ) {
echo self::get_svg_definitions( self::$used_svg_filter_data );
// In block themes, the CSS is added in the head via wp_add_inline_style in the wp_enqueue_scripts action.
if ( ! wp_is_block_theme() ) {
$style_tag_id = 'core-block-supports-duotone';
wp_register_style( $style_tag_id, false );
if ( ! empty( self::$used_global_styles_presets ) ) {
wp_add_inline_style( $style_tag_id, self::get_global_styles_presets( self::$used_global_styles_presets ) );
if ( ! empty( self::$block_css_declarations ) ) {
wp_add_inline_style( $style_tag_id, wp_style_engine_get_stylesheet_from_css_rules( self::$block_css_declarations ) );
wp_enqueue_style( $style_tag_id );
* Adds the duotone SVGs and CSS custom properties to the editor settings.
* This allows the properties to be pulled in by the EditorStyles component
* in JS and rendered in the post editor.
* @since 6.3.0
* @param array $settings The block editor settings from the `block_editor_settings_all` filter.
* @return array The editor settings with duotone SVGs and CSS custom properties.
public static function add_editor_settings( $settings ) {
$global_styles_presets = self::get_all_global_styles_presets();
if ( ! empty( $global_styles_presets ) ) {
if ( ! isset( $settings['styles'] ) ) {
$settings['styles'] = array();
$settings['styles'][] = array(
// For the editor we can add all of the presets by default.
'assets' => self::get_svg_definitions( $global_styles_presets ),
// The 'svgs' type is new in 6.3 and requires the corresponding JS changes in the EditorStyles component to work.
'__unstableType' => 'svgs',
// These styles not generated by global styles, so this must be false or they will be stripped out in wp_get_block_editor_settings.
'isGlobalStyles' => false,
$settings['styles'][] = array(
// For the editor we can add all of the presets by default.
'css' => self::get_global_styles_presets( $global_styles_presets ),
// This must be set and must be something other than 'theme' or they will be stripped out in the post editor component.
'__unstableType' => 'presets',
// These styles are no longer generated by global styles, so this must be false or they will be stripped out in wp_get_block_editor_settings.
'isGlobalStyles' => false,
return $settings;
* Migrates the experimental duotone support flag to the stabilized location.
* This moves `supports.color.__experimentalDuotone` to `supports.filter.duotone`.
* @since 6.3.0
* @param array $settings Current block type settings.
* @param array $metadata Block metadata as read in via block.json.
* @return array Filtered block type settings.
public static function migrate_experimental_duotone_support_flag( $settings, $metadata ) {
$duotone_support = isset( $metadata['supports']['color']['__experimentalDuotone'] )
? $metadata['supports']['color']['__experimentalDuotone']
: null;
if ( ! isset( $settings['supports']['filter']['duotone'] ) && null !== $duotone_support ) {
_wp_array_set( $settings, array( 'supports', 'filter', 'duotone' ), (bool) $duotone_support );
return $settings;
* Gets the CSS filter property value from a preset.
* Exported for the deprecated function wp_get_duotone_filter_id().
* @internal
* @since 6.3.0
* @deprecated 6.3.0
* @param array $preset The duotone preset.
* @return string The CSS filter property value.
public static function get_filter_css_property_value_from_preset( $preset ) {
_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '6.3.0' );
if ( isset( $preset['colors'] ) && is_string( $preset['colors'] ) ) {
return $preset['colors'];
$filter_id = self::get_filter_id_from_preset( $preset );
return 'url(#' . $filter_id . ')';
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The post AACCI: Embryo “Third Force”, Reviving the Spirit of Bandung first appeared on CIDISS.]]>By: Arifin *) “Let a new Asia and a new Africa be born” (Ir Soekarno Asian African Conference 1955) Quoting president Sukarno’s opening speech at the Bandung Conference entitled “Let a New Asia and a New Africa be born”, this confirms the fact, that Asia and Africa can prosper only when they are united, and […]
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