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AMANAH Aceh Dayahpreneur Program to Prepare the Young Generation to Face the World of Work


By: Teuku Rafi )*

In an era of increasingly tight global competition, the younger generation needs support to prepare themselves to enter the workforce. Recognizing this challenge, the AMANAH (Aneuk Muda Aceh Unggul Hebat Aceh) Program is present as an initiative that aims to help young people in Aceh hone the skills and knowledge needed by today’s industry.

The AMANAH program is designed to provide training, mentoring, and employment opportunities to the young generation in Aceh. With a focus on developing technical skills, soft skills , and an understanding of the world of work, this program has become a bridge for many Acehnese youth to enter the competitive job market. One of AMANAH’s programs is the Dayahpreneur program, which is a workshop activity in collaboration with Islamic boarding schools in Aceh to develop the skills of students.

One of the Dayahpreneur programs carried out by AMANAH is a program in the fisheries sector that involves students and dayah (Islamic boarding schools) in the development of aquaculture, especially by introducing and applying the biofloc system for freshwater fisheries cultivation. This step is not only aimed at increasing fisheries production, but also to provide practical skills that will be useful for students in facing the world of work in the future.

The biofloc system, which has been recognized as an effective technology in freshwater fish farming, especially tilapia, allows for more efficient pond management. Hadiyan Zikri, a student and tilapia farming manager using the biofloc method, welcomed the initiative. According to him, the program run by the AMANAH team not only helps increase productivity, but also provides an opportunity for students to gain new knowledge and skills relevant to the fisheries industry.

Hadiyan explained that the biofloc system is very effective in maximizing cultivation performance, because it is able to optimize the use of resources and improve the quality of the harvest. This program, he continued, is an important starting point for students at the dayah to start being independent and developing their own cultivation businesses. Through the skills they gain from this program, students are expected to be able to face the world of work with more confidence and have the ability to compete, both in the fisheries sector and other fields.

In addition, this aquaculture development program is also a significant form of empowerment, because the students are not only equipped with theory, but also real practical experience. Thus, when they later enter the workforce, they already have a stock of skills that are ready to be applied. Involvement in this program gives them insight into business management, the application of technology in cultivation, and the ability to think critically and innovatively, all of which are qualities that are highly sought after in the workforce.

Overall, the AMANAH initiative focuses not only on increasing fisheries production, but also on building the capacity of human resources, especially the students, so that they are ready to face challenges in the world of work. With the skills and knowledge they gain, the students are expected to become independent and productive individuals, able to create job opportunities for themselves and their communities.

In addition, AMANAH also held a sewing workshop using a sewing machine that involved collaboration with the YPI Syamsul Maarif Al Ahmad Community and the Banda Aceh Vocational and Productivity Training Center. This activity proved to be very beneficial for the participants, especially considering that fashion in dayahs is currently still relatively simple and has not developed much. Rahmayuni, the training instructor, explained that this training not only helps increase participants’ income, but also provides new, relevant skills.

Meanwhile, Sheikh Baihaqi, the head of Dayah Syamsul Maarif Al Ahmad, added that this training aims to improve the skills of students by introducing more modern and innovative clothing designs. If previously the training only produced plain clothes, now the students are taught to create a combination of more varied and attractive designs. This is a significant step forward in supporting the creativity and expertise of the students.

Sheikh Baihaqi also expressed his gratitude to AMANAH and the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) for this program and hoped that similar activities could continue to be carried out in other dayahs. He emphasized the importance of cooperation in creating quality training so that more students can feel the benefits. The program also provided sewing machines to participating dayahs, which not only helped in training but also facilitated future clothing production.

Later, this dayahpreneur program will have a significant impact on creating a young generation that is ready to enter the workforce. With the skills of cultivating fish with a biofloc system and practical and relevant sewing methods, students will have a competitive advantage in the job market. These skills open up opportunities for them to enter the fisheries industry, fashion or other fields of work that require technical skills, thus preparing them to be more successful and economically independent in the future.

)* Young Entrepreneur

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