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AMANAH Becomes Main Facilitator in Developing Youth Potential in Aceh


By: Cut Keumala )*

The young generation is a valuable asset for every society and country. The young generation is the successor to the leadership baton, the future innovators, and agents of social change. Developing the potential of young people is not only important, but is the core of the progress and prosperity of a nation. Developing the potential of young people plays a key role in shaping future leaders. Young people who are given the right education and training will be better prepared to face challenges and lead with integrity and vision. Through leadership and managerial skills training, they can prepare themselves to take on important roles in various sectors, from politics to business, and shape the future direction of society.

Based on this, President Joko Widodo established a superior program through Aneuk Muda Aceh Unggul Hebat (AMANAH) which aims to be the main facilitator in developing the potential of as many young generations as possible in Aceh in various fields ranging from agriculture, fisheries, plantations, animal husbandry, arts and culture, technology to entrepreneurship / Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

AMANAH exists to be a place to find and develop quality potentials in the Land of Aceh. Empowering all sources, both human resources (HR) and natural resources (SDA) that will be managed for the progress of the Acehnese people in particular, and the entire Indonesian community in general.

As the main facilitator in building the potential of the young generation, AMANAH provides training programs and workshops to help Acehnese youth develop skills in various fields, ranging from traditional crafts, sustainable agriculture, to digital technology. AMANAH collaborates with experts and practitioners in each field to provide valuable learning.

One of them, AMANAH held a training in the fashion field that focused on embroidery techniques. The training took place at Yuyun Bordir in Ulee Kareng District, Banda Aceh. In this training, participants were taught various embroidery techniques. Starting from how to embroider, modify motifs, draw motifs on fabric, to introducing regional motifs. This is to develop the creativity and innovation of Acehnese youth in creating new embroidery patterns.

The training instructor, Yuyun, said that this training will be a bridge for young Acehnese to develop their potential in various fields, including creative and innovative embroidery art. Moreover, it provides new business opportunities for young Acehnese. Yuyun also added that the program implemented by AMANAH is extraordinary because it can help Acehnese craftsmen, entrepreneurs, especially young people to create new motifs that are collaborated with old motifs to make them more stylish so that the marketing of embroidery UMKM can reach a wider market.

In addition, AMANAH also conducts training for people with disabilities as waiters and waitresses in cafes or restaurants. They gain knowledge about standard operating procedures (SOP) in terms of service in cafes or restaurants. The delivery of material from expert mentors is assisted by sign language interpreters so that it is easy for participants to understand. The series of activities are also interspersed with interactive games so that participants do not get bored. Not only developing the potential of people with disabilities, the talent class program implemented by AMANAH can also help the government to reduce unemployment in Aceh.

Head of the Banda Aceh Productivity Vocational Training Center (BPVP), Rahmad Faisal said that the training for people with disabilities as waiters is extraordinary because all participants are positioned equally. According to Rahmad, people with disabilities need attention from all parties. This is in accordance with the mandate of the law which states that they have the right to receive proper education and training. For this reason, Rahmad continued, groups with disabilities must have equal abilities according to the needs of companies.

For that, Rahmad really appreciates AMANAH who has an idea for these deaf friends so that in the future they can survive better with their own lives because they can work and have skills as waiters. Rahmad hopes that the activity will be successfully followed by the participants. Moreover, he admitted that the training material this time is something new to do in Banda Aceh and even for Aceh Province as a whole.

To support AMANAH to continue to be the main facilitator in developing the potential of the young generation in Aceh, the Government initiated by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) built the AMANAH creative center building in the Aceh Industrial Area (KIA) Ladong, Aceh Besar. With the construction of this building, young people in Aceh will receive a lot of training to improve their independence, competence and professionalism to become young entrepreneurs.

Through the facilities and infrastructure that have been built in the form of the AMANAH Building, it is hoped that the AMANAH Program can be realized properly. The development and empowerment of existing potential will be increasingly widespread, so that human resources will also advance and be more creative in creating. Increasingly innovating with new things that will make a big change that will have an impact on all sectors, both economic, digitalization, technology, social and environmental.

)* The author is a student at Samudra University

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