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AMANAH’s Flagship Program Aims to Advance the Community’s Economy


All of the superior programs in the Aneuk Muda Aceh Excellent and Great Program (AMANAH) have the main objective, namely to be able to advance the economy of the entire community. The reason is, there are many very useful programs that are able to continue to hone the nation’s young generation and also give them a platform or opportunity to continue developing their work.

When all young people receive maximum support, it is not impossible that they will become drivers or milestones for economic progress in their community by using all the advantages, potential and talents that the young people have.

Because in fact the entire young generation of the nation’s successors in Indonesia has truly extraordinary talent or potential, but unfortunately they often don’t have a platform capable of channeling it all, the government then realizes various kinds of superior programs through AMANAH.

Some of the superior programs that are currently running at AMANAH include the Aceh Carnival activities and also model competitions. These two programs function as a forum for the nation’s next generation of young people so that they are able to display all their interests and talents.

Youth Creative Hub Aceh or AMANAH Central Building held activities by opening a model competition which became a form of real platform for young people in the area nicknamed Negeri Rencong, especially for those who really have interest and talent in this field so they can experience further development.

Registration for the model competition itself starts from 16 to 26 June 2024 with various categories in it such as cover model, catwalk, casual wear and also the best evening wear.

It doesn’t stop there, but there is another program that AMANAH has implemented recently, namely from 17 to 26 June 2024, there is a registration for the Aceh Carnival which helps local young people to get to know, love and take an active part in promoting local arts and culture that they have.

Socialization of various superior Aneuk Muda Aceh Superior and Great programs also continues, with the aim of covering as many of the next generation of young people in Aceh as possible, especially those from various fields of the creative economy.

One of the AMANAH volunteers, Atha Fayyadh, said that the existence of this program is one of the flagship programs of the President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in the field of community empowerment with a focus on several sectors at once, such as fisheries, agriculture and the economy and so on.

Meanwhile, the Nagan Raya Regency Government (Pemkab), Aceh Province provides its full support for the Aneuk Muda Aceh Excellent and Great program as an empowerment program for the entire young generation succeeding Aceh, the idea of ​​the State Intelligence Agency (BIN).

The potential that the AMANAH program has is clearly very large, especially because these activities are targeted at empowering young people. Of course, having a young generation who is increasingly empowered and has high competitiveness is something that every region really needs, including Aceh.

Especially considering that this area is currently one of the poorer areas in Sumatra. So that when there is an increase in the competitiveness of young human resources (HR), it is not impossible that it will raise the dignity and status of alleviating the poverty trap.

The AMANAH Central Building is a form of providing and providing full support for real facilities for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), creative industries, and youth in order to continue to improve the economy in the area nicknamed Veranda of Mecca and as a forum for channeling all forms of ideas. , their creativity and aspirations.

Acting (Pj) Regent of Nagan Raya, Aceh, Fitriany Farhas considers that all young people are assets of the nation and state, therefore of course they all must be equipped with various kinds of knowledge and skills and have the competence to take their region in the right direction. much more advanced.

Meanwhile, the Chancellor of Syiah Kuala University (USK) Prof. Dr. Ir. Marwan said that the AMANAH program aims to develop and coach MSMEs by involving mentors who are highly trained in various business fields.

The abundance of creativity and innovation, as well as the great interest of Acehnese young people in various fields such as fashion, creative industries, animal husbandry, fisheries and so on will certainly be a very extraordinary thing if they get the right guidance.

The presence of the AMANAH program which was initiated by the institution led by Police General (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan really helps improve the economy for the community thanks to all his superior programs. The public is also encouraged to continue to make this program a success so that the talents of the younger generation can continue to develop in order to realize a Golden Indonesia 2045.

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