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AMN Development Program with the Nation Initiation of BIN Involves Ministries and Regional Governments


Manado – Nurdiana Habibie as Head of North Sulawesi BPPW, Head of Regional I and II Implementation Section, said that the AMN Development Activity was a joint national program initiated by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) involving various Ministries, Institutions and Provincial Governments (Pemprov).

“The AMN land was prepared by the Provincial Government located in Sea II Village, Pineleng District, Minahasa Regency and development was carried out by the PUPR Ministry, in this case through the North Sulawesi BPPW,” he said.

Nurdiana added that the existing design complies with the technical standards for State Buildings, in accordance with the mandate of PP Number 16 of 2021 concerning Implementing Regulations of Law Number 28 of 2002 concerning Buildings and also uses Building Information Modeling (BIM).

Previously, during the Ground Breaking of AMN Manado, the Governor of North Sulawesi (Sulut) Olly Dondokambey through the Regional Secretary of North Sulawesi Province, Steve HA Kepel, explained that the building would be able to encourage growth and improve the quality of human resources (HR). 

“The construction of AMN Manado is a symbol of our commitment to human resource development,” said Steve.

The Governor of North Sulawesi hopes that AMN Manado can create a conducive environment for students from various regions in Indonesia to study, be creative and collaborate, especially those in North Sulawesi.

For your information, the construction of the Nusantara Student Dormitory Building (AMN) is an effort by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) to unite students from various ethnicities, languages, cultures and religions throughout Indonesia and has a multi-university nature.

According to the Head of BIN, Police General (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan, SH, M.Si., Ph.D., PSM, BIN was assigned by President Joko Widodo to be a catalyst for the development of AMN and issue Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 106 of 2021 concerning Archipelago Student Dormitories (AMN) as the basis for building dormitories This.

“The development of AMN began with the aspirations of various Papuan community leaders who wanted a forum or media that could unite the ethnic groups in this country. For this reason, BIN embraced a number of ministries and agencies to build AMN,” said the Head of BIN.

BIN also collaborates with a number of parties in providing guidance to AMN resident students in creating a strong and Indonesian-minded young generation. [-ed]

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