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AMN Produces Youth with High Competitiveness and Pancasila Character



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Saturday, August 17 2024

AMN Produces Youth with High Competitiveness and Pancasila Character

By: Raymond Poluan )*

The Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN) is able to produce young people who will be the next generation of the nation who are highly competitive and ready to compete at the world level. The realization of improving the quality of young human resources (HR) was due to various kinds of guidance and training and education initiated by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) as the initiator of the program.

With very optimal education from the government through the initiation of an institution led by Police General (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan, it is not impossible that AMN will produce young people who are highly competitive and make them ready to compete at the world level.

If young people as the next generation of the nation have high competitiveness and are not inferior when competing with them at the international level, then this is a very important capital for Indonesia to realize its vision of facing an increasingly advanced country.

The Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia (Wapres RI), KH Ma’ruf Amin advised all young people to take advantage of every available opportunity as an effort to continually increase their competitiveness, especially the opportunities that have been given by the government through the BIN initiative, namely the AMN Program.

The high competitiveness of young people will clearly have an impact on the employment sector, which is an important element in the economic growth engine.

The existence of the Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN) as a residence which accommodates students from various regions and various universities in Indonesia continues to develop a credible, independent and sustainable training institution so that it is very useful.

Previously, AMN itself had succeeded in standing majestically in the City of Heroes, Surabaya, and now it will be in Manado. The government, through the initiation of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), continues to hold this program spread across several locations in Indonesia such as Makassar, Yogyakarta, Jakarta and Malang.

Directing the sustainability of the Nusantara Student Dormitory program in various regions or locations is clearly able to reduce inequality and disparities. Apart from that, efforts will be made to increase youth competitiveness to make their future brighter.

The amount of training, education and training through the AMN program will clearly create youth who are more qualified and have high competitiveness, because their presence as human resources (HR) in Indonesia will further accelerate the realization of the vision of an Advanced Indonesia in 2045.

Child observer, Femmy Eka Kartika Putri, said that youth development has a very important and strategic role in creating more advanced, quality and competitive human resources in Indonesia.

It is not without reason why this is very important, because the young generation who will succeed the nation actually all have extraordinary potential. So, with this potential, they should be able to contribute more to every aspect of national development, especially to advance the national economy.

The high competitiveness of young people will be able to further develop national entrepreneurship, so that they will be able to create various new breakthroughs and even be able to compete on the world stage.

The State Intelligence Agency (BIN) has provided very wide opportunities for all young people in the country to continue to develop themselves, namely through the existence of AMN which brings extraordinary benefits to them, including entrepreneurial activities to reduce poverty and unemployment.

The realization of the strategic flagship program, namely the Nusantara Student Dormitory, is a concrete manifestation of the breakthrough that the government has made in order to accelerate growth and the entrepreneurial ratio in Indonesia, so that both in terms of potential and problems, young people will receive more optimal attention.

It is clear that the young generation who will succeed the nation with high quality and competitiveness will play a very important role in realizing and safeguarding national economic growth, especially in the current era of society 5.0.

Director of Strategic Infrastructure, Directorate General of Human Settlements, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Ir. Essy Asiah said that the existence of AMN is a forum to prepare all students as future successors of the nation so that they have higher quality, integrity and also have strong national character so they can be globally competitive.

Not only does it provide very adequate and complete facilities, but the Nusantara Student Dormitory also provides many forms of training to young people so that various aspects of their lives can improve.

Young people will have high competitiveness and they will even be able to prepare to compete at the world level, thanks to the guidance of the Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN). The public is also encouraged to continue to make this program a success in order to create a superior generation towards a Golden Indonesia 2045.

)* The author is a student from Jakarta living in Manado

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