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AMN, Symbol of Youth Unity: Community Calls for Sustainability of BIN’s Strategic Program


Manado – The Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN), which was initiated by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), not only provides accommodation for students, but also offers various facilities that support their personal development. This government’s strategic flagship program has received high appreciation from the public, who hope for its sustainability to advance Indonesia’s young generation.

According to Nurdiana Habibie, Head of the North Sulawesi Regional Settlement Infrastructure Center (BPPW Sulut), AMN Manado is not only a physical building in the form of a residence, but also a center of activities that can support the self-development of young people.

“At AMN, students not only stay, but also receive training and education that fosters love for the Republic of Indonesia and increases their competitiveness in various fields,” he said.

The existence of AMN is seen as an initiative that is able to unite students from various cultural, linguistic and religious backgrounds. In this dormitory, students not only live, but also receive leadership training, national insight, and various extracurricular activities that form a love for the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

Deputy Chairman of Commission X DPR RI, Dede Yusuf Macan Effendi, also expressed his appreciation for the benefits provided by AMN to students. “The non-academic activities at AMN are very useful in filling students’ free time with positive activities, reducing the risk of falling into negative things such as bullying, online gambling and narcotics,” he said.

AMN development has started in Surabaya and is now continuing in Manado, with development plans in other cities such as Yogyakarta, Makassar, Jakarta and Malang. The facilities provided at AMN are very adequate, including men’s and women’s dormitories, meeting halls, multipurpose rooms, and sports fields, all of which are designed to create an environment that supports collaboration, creativity, and brotherhood.

Director of Strategic Infrastructure, Directorate General of Human Settlements, Ministry of PUPR, Ir. Essy Asiah, added that AMN is a symbol of unity for students from various backgrounds.

“AMN does not only focus on physical development, but also creates an environment that really supports collaboration, creativity and brotherhood,” he explained.

The community strongly supports the sustainability of AMN as a forum that unites the younger generation, and hones their skills in various fields, in order to create the nation’s next generation who are superior and highly competitive. (*)

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