Appreciation of KPK’s Synergistic Efforts in Eradicating Corruption in Prabowo-Gibran’s 100 Days of Performance
By: Lorenzo Joko Santoso*(
Eradicating corruption in Indonesia has become one of the main priorities in building clean and transparent governance. In carrying out its mandate, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) continues to strive to strengthen synergy with various parties, both domestically and abroad. This step deserves appreciation, considering that corruption is a major challenge that requires cross-sectoral and cross-country collaboration.
One of the KPK’s strategic steps in eradicating corruption at the international level was a meeting with the United Arab Emirates Accountability Authority (UAEAA) on Monday, January 20, 2025. In the meeting, the two parties discussed cooperation in preventing corruption in the public sector, including the exchange of information related to identifying abuse of power. Deputy Chairman of the KPK Agus Joko Pramono emphasized that abuse of power is the root of corruption that harms the public interest.
Agus added that the agreement to exchange information is a strategic step in eradicating corruption in the current era. This step not only strengthens the KPK’s capacity in uncovering cross-country corruption cases, but also shows Indonesia’s commitment to realizing better governance in the eyes of the world.
At the national level, the KPK also continues to build synergy with various institutions. One example is cooperation with the Financial Services Authority (OJK) in supervising the financial services sector. Chairperson of the OJK Audit Board, Sophia Wattimena, expressed her appreciation for the KPK’s initiative to use an ecosystem-based approach in eradicating corruption. According to Sophia, this approach not only improves the internal governance of the institution, but also has a positive impact on the financial services industry being supervised.
Sophia added that the implementation of the OJK Regulation on Anti-Fraud Strategy for the financial services sector is a real form of collaboration that brings positive change. This provides a guarantee of trust to the public that the country’s financial sector is managed professionally and transparently.
The ecosystem-based approach in question does not only prioritize repressive actions, but also preventive ones. This can be seen from the various KPK initiatives in providing anti-corruption education to financial industry players. With this step, it is hoped that the potential for fraud can be suppressed early on, so that the financial industry can develop healthily and with integrity.
KPK synergy is not only limited to the financial sector, but also reaches the public service sector that directly touches the needs of the wider community. One real example is the KPK’s assistance to the Ministry of Religious Affairs in organizing the Hajj pilgrimage. The Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs, Nasaruddin Umar, emphasized the importance of this collaboration to ensure that the implementation of the Hajj pilgrimage is transparent and free from irregularities.
Nasaruddin added that the KPK’s assistance aims to ensure that there is no more buying and selling of Hajj quotas or other fraudulent practices, both in Indonesia and in Saudi Arabia. This is important to provide the best service for Hajj pilgrims according to applicable regulations.
The success of this collaboration can be a model for other public service sectors. With stricter supervision and assistance from anti-corruption institutions, public trust in the government can continue to be increased. In addition, this effort is also in line with the government’s vision of realizing a clean, serving, and accountable bureaucracy.
The synergy between the KPK and various institutions, both national and international, reflects Indonesia’s seriousness in facing the challenge of corruption. This collaboration shows that eradicating corruption is not only the responsibility of the KPK alone, but also requires full support from various parties, including the community.
It is important to remember that corruption not only harms the country financially, but also hinders development, creates injustice, and damages the nation’s morals. Therefore, every step taken by the KPK to strengthen synergy, both through international cooperation and domestic programs, must receive full appreciation and support.
The synergistic efforts made by the KPK, both with international institutions such as UAEAA, OJK, and the Ministry of Religious Affairs, are a real form of joint commitment in creating a corruption-free Indonesia. As a society, we have an important role to play in supporting these steps, both by maintaining integrity in everyday life and providing moral support to institutions that are fighting to eradicate corruption.
Let us together create a cleaner, more transparent, and more integrated Indonesia. Synergy is the main key to winning the war against corruption, for a better future for the nation.
)* The author is a Law and Government Observer from Jakarta