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Appreciation of Logistical Readiness is the Key to Regional Election Success


By : Davina Gunawan )*

The General Election Commission (KPU) is preparing for the 2024 Pilkada, one of which is by preparing KPU Regulations (PKPU) regarding logistics. All process stages related to the 2024 Pilkada are still ongoing, including consolidation with all KPU levels.

The chairman of the KPU, Mochammad Afifuddin, said that the KPU had prepared a PKPU regarding logistics because it was considered rather urgent. According to him, it is very important that these technical regulations be issued immediately to serve as evaluation material regarding logistics preparations and distribution.

Afif said that his party would also prepare PKPU related to campaigns, campaign funds and candidates whose registration would open in a month. The KPU together with Bawaslu agreed to provide technical guidance to provide understanding and reduce errors regarding the regulations in the implementation of the regional elections in November.

This technical guidance is a solution to mitigate potential problems. Mitigating the implementation of the 2024 Pilkada is the most important part to plan based on existing legal regulations. Potential risks that are mitigated include potential electoral and ethical issues.

The KPU together with related parties will do things collectively in a collegial way, update each other and gather together so that incidents that previously occurred and were deemed to violate the rules do not occur.

The importance of internal supervision through the Election Organizer Honorary Council (DKPP) as well as optimized performance from the KPU so that practical political practices do not occur in the upcoming 2024 Pilkada.

Then, security forces are also ready to secure the distribution of logistics for the 2024 Pilkada. Kutai Kartanegara Police held a city security simulation activity ahead of the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada. This simulation aims to ensure the readiness of personnel in securing the Pilkada, starting from updating and determining the Pilkada list, registration and determination. candidates, to campaigns and quiet periods.

Kutai Kartanegara Police Chief, AKBP Heri Rusyaman said that Kutai Kartanegara police officers were ready to secure all stages of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections, such as the stages of distributing regional election logistics, voting, vote counting, determination and announcement of votes, the period for objections or regional election disputes, until the time for the inauguration.

Meanwhile, KPU member, Yulianto Sudrajat said that the toughest challenge in the 2024 Pilkada is related to logistics distribution to all participating regions. As is known, almost 800 thousand polling stations are spread throughout Indonesia, and on the same day all regional election logistics must arrive on time given the very diverse geographic conditions.

According to him, hard work alone is not enough to distribute Pilkada logistics, but there is synergy between related parties starting from the Central KPU then going down directly to the Regency/City KPU, then to the District. From the sub-district then to the village, from the new village to the TPS.

Yulianto added that the PKPU still had to prepare several things before sending it to Commission II DPR RI for approval at the Public Hearing Meeting (RDP), and in the 2024 Regional Elections it would coordinate with the National Police Headquarters, especially regarding logistical security patterns such as procurement and distribution so that it would not fraud occurred.

The KPU will cooperate fully with the ranks of the TNI and Polri to secure logistics procurement and distribution so that it can reach the polling stations in each region safely. Security forces will show their commitment to maintaining these logistics so that it is hoped that the upcoming November 2024 regional elections can run safely and smoothly.

Ahead of the Pilkada implementation, both the Governor and Deputy Governor of South Sulawesi as well as the Candidates for Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Parepare City, the Parepare City Police carried out a city security simulation in order to maintain order and prepare personnel to face the stages of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections. Parepare Police Chief, AKBP Arman Muis said that this activity carried out in order to measure the readiness of joint personnel who participated in securing the Pilkada. The combined personnel deployed were 350 personnel, consisting of Parepare Police, Brimob, TNI, Fire Brigade and Satpol PP personnel.

Arman added that the joint apparatus carried out simulation activities in accordance with the existing SOPs and provisions where the object of the Pilkada itself is the KPU because it is the facility for all Pilkada logistics so security and comfort must be further strengthened at the KPU. Then, a number of potential vulnerabilities in the Pilkada itself have been studied thoroughly so that it is hoped that it can run conducively.

As the logistics distribution process for the 2024 Pilkada runs smoothly, it can be seen that the role of a number of parties is very important in ensuring the success of this initial stage. This certainly provides a sense of security and confidence to the public that their voting rights will be well protected.

The process of distributing Pilkada logistics also requires full support from all elements of society who have the responsibility to participate in maintaining the integrity and security of the democratic party process. By creating a safe and conducive environment during the campaign period until voting day, it can greatly help the success of a fair and democratic Pilkada.

)* The author is a contributor to Ruang Baca Nusantara

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