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Appreciation of President Jokowi’s Economic Achievements, Observer: Support the Transition of the New Government


Jakarta – Director of the School of Global Strategic Studies and UI Economic Observer, Athor Subroto, assessed that during his decade of leadership, President Jokowi had great enthusiasm in growing the Indonesian economy.

“The existence of economic growth (in Indonesia) at level 5 is an extraordinary economic resilience from President Jokowi until now,” said Athor.

Athor said, amidst the onslaught of global supply chain disruptions, Indonesia can still survive and grow compared to other countries, even developed countries like Europe.

“We have become a country that is developing quite well because of the foundations whose multiplier effects are drawn, such as the downstreaming program to maintain the economic process that occurs internally so that the multiplier becomes bigger,” he explained.

According to him, President Jokowi’s enthusiasm in growing the Indonesian economy has been well responded by the market. Like it or not, he added, in fact the Indonesian economy continues to improve.

Furthermore, Athor views that the Prabowo-Gibran government must immediately bring benefits to the community.

“We should immediately realize the various things that have been planned,” he hoped.

The UI Economic Observer said that the commitment to a smooth transition from President Jokowi’s government to Prabowo’s was a good thing, so that the quick win of the next government could run quickly because it was something that had to be implemented immediately.

“President Jokowi’s message to his staff to support Prabowo’s cabinet can be a market signal that he wants this transition to be successful, because good leadership must be continued, because if it cannot be continued, it will be a problem,” he explained.

Meanwhile, Faisyal Chaniago, Political Economy Observer at Bung Karno University, explained that President Jokowi’s government approach could be emulated by the upcoming government, Prabowo-Gibran, namely with a soft approach, which embraces all political competitors so that they are involved in his cabinet.

He also appreciated President Jokowi’s 10 years of leadership, especially in terms of downstreaming. According to him, it needs to be supported by the next government.

“Embracing and maintaining harmony, so that politics remain stable and there is no chaos, this harmonious political approach is what Prabowo must do,” he explained.

Faisyal continued that President Jokowi’s instructions had been carried out by his ministers, many of whom did not carry out the instructions were immediately reprimanded by the president.

Faisyal explained that Indonesia was able to navigate the highly fluctuating global geopolitics and the Covid-19 shock well under President Jokowi’s leadership.

Faisyal is also optimistic that economic growth during President Jokowi’s era can be continued by Prabowo’s government.

“The next government must implement downstreaming because this will be the biggest income later,” he said.

He assessed that the transition period must be guarded and monitored by all parties so that the development program runs sustainably.

The ongoing program, he continued, must not stop, because development is not enough for just 10 years, therefore it must be continuous, therefore it requires a smooth transition so that there is cooperation and synergy.

“In this transition period, it is very important that there is no overlapping of policies so that all programs can run well. So this transition must be carried out until the new cabinet is formed,” concluded Faisyal.

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