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At the 10th WWF, Indonesia offered to establish a water management institution


Nusa Dua – The 10th WWF in Bali continues to roll out and at BNDCC, Nusa Dua the Local and Regional Government Forum Session is taking place. During the event, options were discussed so that water resources in the world could be encouraged for shared prosperity through the establishment of special water management institutions.

This option was proposed by the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN), Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) who was a speaker at the Local and Regional Government Forum Session.

“Water must be oriented towards shared prosperity, prosperity, to realize fair and sustainable water use, the central government must have an institution to handle water management,” said AHY.

According to him, the establishment of the intended institution can learn from other countries that have implemented it first. AHY said the Government must be adaptive, especially in mitigating water crises that may occur.

“The central government must form an institution that has the authority and capacity to integrate and synchronize all strategic policies and actions related to water management, said AHY at Singaraja Hall, BNDCC, Nusa Dua.

On the same occasion, Minister of Home Affairs Muhammad Tito Karnavian chaired a ministerial meeting forum which was one of the sessions at the 10th WWF. This forum was attended by delegates from various countries who gathered to discuss challenges and solutions related to water management.

In this meeting, Indonesia emphasized that water is at the forefront of current and future global challenges with the combination of population growth, pollution and rising temperatures causing water scarcity in various places in the world.

“Indonesia also highlights the impact of climate change which is increasing the frequency and intensity of floods which endanger millions of people without sustainable water management,” said Tito.

Delegates were also invited to agree to formulate commitments and make the 10th WWF a beacon that guides towards inclusive, impactful and mutually beneficial cooperation to protect future generations.

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