Beware of Calls for Abstentions to Disrupt the Implementation of the Regional Elections

By: Budi Lungsurawan *(
Ahead of the 2024 Regional Head Election (Pilkada), public attention is now focused on calls for abstention which have the potential to disrupt the smooth running of the democratic process. Golput, or the movement not to vote, is a serious challenge because it can weaken the legitimacy of regional elections and reduce public participation in choosing regional leaders. The DKI Jakarta General Election Commission (KPU) has issued a firm warning that inviting abstentions, especially those accompanied by rewards, is an action that can be criminalized.
Head of the DKI Jakarta KPU’s Socialization, Voter Education and Community Participation Division, Astri Megatari, said that although voting or not voting is an individual’s right, inviting other people not to vote is a violation of the law, especially if it is accompanied by a promise or gift. Astri refers to Article 187A paragraphs (1) and (2) of Law Number 10 of 2016 which regulates that people who commit this act can be sentenced to prison for up to six years and a maximum fine of one billion rupiah. These sanctions also apply to voters who receive rewards as part of efforts to influence their voting rights.
This law is designed to prevent manipulation and ensure that elections take place honestly and fairly. Astri is optimistic that Jakarta residents will not be influenced by calls for abstention or similar movements, such as the “Tusuk Tiga Paslon” movement which emerged as a form of disappointment among some people over Anies Baswedan not running as a candidate for governor of DKI Jakarta.
However, the threat of calling for abstention does not only occur in DKI Jakarta. In East Java, the “empty box” movement also emerged, where residents were invited to vote for the empty box instead of the candidate in the regional elections. Chairman of PW Muhammadiyah East Java, Prof. Sukadiono, appealed to his citizens not to take part in the movement, because choosing an empty box could result in a definitive leadership vacuum for five years. He stressed the importance of actively participating in voting, because this has a big influence on the continuity of effective government.
The abstention and empty box movements, if allowed to develop, could weaken the democratic process in Indonesia. Regional elections are one of the important pillars of democracy, where people have the opportunity to elect leaders who will lead their regions for the next few years. The KPU and Bawaslu in various regions have increased outreach efforts to reduce the number of abstentions and ensure that the public understands the importance of their role in the Pilkada.
Abstentions not only harm the political process, but also pose challenges to the legitimacy of election results. The lower the participation rate, the greater the possibility that the Pilkada results will be questioned by various parties. This can create political instability and disrupt the development process in the region. Therefore, it is important to invite the public, especially first-time voters, to actively participate in the regional elections.
In the midst of various challenges, the role of religious and community leaders is very important in maintaining public confidence in the Pilkada. As leaders who are respected and have great influence, religious figures can be mediators who help defuse political tensions and encourage dialogue between groups with differing views. They can also play a role in providing understanding to the public about the importance of exercising their right to vote.
Religious leaders, as seen in several regions, have been active in efforts to maintain a conducive situation ahead of the Pilkada. For example, in Central Sulawesi, religious leaders collaborate with the police to hold friendships and dialogue with the community. They emphasized the importance of maintaining security and order during the Pilkada process and provided an understanding of the Pilkada stages and procedures. With open dialogue, people can express their concerns and avoid being trapped in misleading information.
The police also play an important role in maintaining security and order during the regional elections. In several areas, the police are actively approaching the community to ensure that the regional elections run safely and peacefully. For example, in Tojo Una-Una Regency, Central Sulawesi, and Rokan Hulu Regency, Riau, the police are collaborating with religious and community leaders in socializing efforts to prevent abstention. They invite voters, especially first-time voters, not to be easily influenced by money politics and black campaigns that often appear before the regional elections.
Apart from that, the police also play a role in maintaining cyber security to prevent the spread of hoaxes and black campaigns on social media. The spread of misinformation can trigger tensions in society and disrupt the regional election process. Therefore, the police urge the public to be careful in receiving and disseminating information, and to remain focused on active participation in the Pilkada.
Calls for abstention, whether in the form of the “Tusuk Three Candidates” or “empty box” movements, are a real threat to the continuity of the 2024 regional elections. Public participation in regional elections is very important to maintain the legitimacy of elected leaders and ensure that the government runs effectively. Therefore, the role of religious leaders, the community, the police, and continuous outreach are needed to prevent abstentions and ensure that the regional elections run safely and peacefully.
With support from all parties, it is hoped that the 2024 Pilkada will not only be an event for selecting leaders, but will also be a momentum to strengthen national unity and integrity and build a better future for the region and country.
*(The author is a Healthy Political Community Builder for West Java Province