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Beware of the Dangers of Radicalism and Terrorism Disturbing the Conduciveness of Regional Elections


By: Linda Permata )*

The TNI-Polri security apparatus and the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) maintain stability and conduciveness ahead of the regional head elections (Pilkada) against the dangers of radicalism and terrorism which have the potential to disrupt the smooth running and security of the community.

The common desire, namely the Regional Head Election (Pilkada), is near, all stakeholders continue to prepare the people’s democratic party carefully. One of them is the preparation of security and comfort for the sake of the sustainability of the 2024 Pilkada.

The security forces of the TNI-Polri and the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) invite the entire community to be aware of potential disturbances that can divide the Indonesian nation. Radicalism and terrorism are one of the frightening specters that are dangerous for the nation. For that, the community is urged to fortify themselves by enriching their knowledge properly and correctly.

In fact, all human actions originate from humans themselves, other people cannot change a person’s characteristics, therefore, to prevent radicalism and terrorism from within oneself or the environment, various efforts and self-awareness of the dangers of these disturbances are needed.

The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia does have various cultures, tribes, races, and religions. Therefore, Indonesian people must instill high values ​​of tolerance and instill Pancasila to prevent radicalism and terrorism. Moreover, currently the seconds leading up to the regional head elections (Pilkada). Each individual has their own choices.

However, precisely with the existence of various opinions, society is expected not to be divided just because of the differences in choice that can cause chaos and division of the nation. With these various opinions, society should be able to unite for the interests and ideals of the Indonesian nation.

In order to maintain stability and conduciveness during the 2024 Pilkada, the Riau Police Chief together with all relevant stakeholders discussed in detail the implementation of the election from various aspects. So that the 2024 Pilkada can run smoothly and successfully.

Riau Police Chief Inspector General Pol Mohammad Iqbal emphasized that the Police are committed to securing the democratic party, especially in Riau by upholding professionalism and a neutral attitude. Not only that, their task is also to ensure a safe and conducive situation for all people when exercising their voting rights,

Furthermore, he also appealed and instructed his staff to increase their vigilance against various disturbances and detect them as early as possible. Anticipate all possibilities, including sensitive issues in society such as ethnicity, religion, race, and inter-group (SARA), fake news or hoaxes, money politics, to the threat of terrorism and radicalism that can disrupt the course of activities.

Mohammad Iqbal added that the Riau Police will also coordinate with all relevant stakeholders, including the TNI, Regional Government, Bawaslu, and all elements of society. The various preparations made include security measures, mapping vulnerable areas, deploying joint personnel, and securing election logistics. The Riau Police are also committed to maintaining the neutrality of Polri members in securing the democratic party.

The Regent of Bengkalis, represented by the Regional Secretary of Bengkalis, dr. Ersan Saputra TH, hopes that all parties can synergize and build consolidation and harmonious coordination in order to realize a democratic and safe Pilkada in Bengkalis Regency.

In addition, to anticipate acts of terrorism ahead of the 2024 Pilkada, Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Karyoto ensured that his party would oversee the entire series of Pilkada so that it would run smoothly and safely. That the crime of terrorism must be a serious concern to avoid acts of terror in the 2019 Election from happening again.

His party has coordinated with Densus 88 Anti-terrorism regarding the prevention of anti-terrorism ahead of or during the upcoming 2024 Pilkada. In fact, according to his statement before the Presidential Election they managed to arrest the perpetrators of terror before the 2024 Presidential Election was held.

In order to maintain security and maintain the conduciveness of the 2024 Pilkada, Polda Metro Jaya also held Operation Mantap Praja which was held for 140 days. There were 88,365 joint personnel deployed to carry out security and these personnel will later be distributed to all TPS in the jurisdiction of Polda Metro Jaya.

Tangerang City Metro Police Chief, Senior Commissioner Zain Dwi Nugroho, carried out the Mantap Praja Jaya 2024 regional independence operation by deploying 9,084 personnel with the following composition: 1,471 Polri personnel, 314 TNI personnel, 100 Satpol PP personnel, 75 Transportation Service (Dishub) personnel, 50 personnel from the Health Service (Dinkes), and 7,074 Linmas personnel.

Zain said that the 2024 Mantap Praja Jaya operation was very important to conduct a final check on the readiness of personnel and infrastructure involving relevant stakeholders to ensure that the 2024 Pilkada security runs smoothly, safely, and peacefully.

Zain said that the 2024 Pilkada is a political party that can be an indicator of maturity in democracy, and contribute to determining the future of the Indonesian nation. For that, all elements of society are also expected to actively participate in maintaining the condition of the 2024 Pilkada so that it runs successfully without obstacles.

)* Social and Cultural Observer

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