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BIN Association and Youth Union of Nations Through AMN


By: Januar Dominicus)*

The National Intelligence Agency (BIN) promotes the unity and unity of all the youth of the nation through the Nusantara Student Hall (AMN) program, which is important because the country has a massive social background.

With the emergence of the background of society in Indonesia, of course makes the sense of unity and unity among citizens must continue to be strengthened strongly, especially among young people as the successor of future generations of the nation.

Aware of the importance of the sense of unity and unity among the children of nations must remain vigorously awakened as an important capital for consolidating the national integrity, BIN then endeavours to promote it all through the Nusantara Student Hall which contains college-level youth from various regions.

In addition, with the presence of AMN, then as a real realization of the implementation of Pancasila values in the world of education that is clearly more and more the Government of RI is doing through the initiative of the agency of the leadership of the General Police (Purn) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan.

In order to create a sense of unity and unity as well as social justice among the entire society, primarily among students, the government through various ministries and other related institutions such as BIN, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), the Ministries of Defence (Kemenhan) and Religious Ministry (KEMENAG) built the Nusantara Student’s Home for all the sons and daughters of the nation.

Previously, similar programmes have been very successful implemented in the Hero City of Surabaya, which will then continue and now is in Manado, then will also spread to several other regions such as Makassar, Yogyakarta, Malang and Jakarta.

The students received full scholarships from the LPDP of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) during their studies, including living expenses.

Of course, the way the RI government facilities through BIN, makes all the students feel very helped with the attention. They are also determined to study seriously in order to be able to build their region much better.

RI President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) stressed that the establishment of the Nusantara Student Hall is to unite all sons and daughters from different regions of Indonesia in one residence.

When those of different backgrounds can live in the same roof, then it is not impossible to produce a sense of unity and unity that will awaken more closely and produce a culture of gotong royong in building the homeland in the future.

The development of the AMN is to make the children of the nation know each other, including even those from the east or western end of Indonesia, will be able to know one another.

The main objective of BIN is to initiate the construction of AMN, so that the young people of the nation can get together and compact because in the dorms they also get a lot of supplies like a strong national vision.

With the gathering of students from all over Indonesia in the Student Hall of Nusantara, it makes this nation stronger in the future. Because of the difference and the nature, it becomes a strength.

Meanwhile, the head of the Pancasila Ideology Building Body (BPIP) Prof. Dr. K.H. Yudian Wahyudi assessed that in the AMN does make the young people of the nation have a strong Pancasil character.

Therefore, appreciation continues to flow to BIN as the initiator of the development of AMN while building the young human resources (SDM) of the Indonesian nation to superior and characterized Pancasila.

The presence of the Student Hall of Nusantara is something that is very beneficial to the entire young people of the nation, because there they will all enjoy all his skills, the soul of nationalism, the war of the country and also the ambition to advance Indonesia.

AMN is a concrete effort of the Government of RI through the State Intelligence Agency in realizing unity and unity in Indonesia as well as social justice. Moreover, the development of the character of the next generation of the nation must be based on the ideology of Pancasila.

Head of BIN, General Police (Purn) Prof, Dr. Budi Gunawan said that the construction of the Student House of Nusantara itself became a model of a household of dignity, i.e. a house of communal dignity for the entire young generation of the nation by continuously upholding the values of Pancasila and Bhinneka Singular Ika.

It’s not just a physical building or a residence, but AMN has a lot of support facilities in it that are very useful for all students.

In addition to a dormitory, AMN also has a community space, a versatile room, a library, a language laboratory, training rooms, health and consultation clinics, worship venues, sports and arts facilities, including bus transportation for student reception.

Indeed, the National Intelligence Agency (BIN RI) initiated the construction of AMN as a container so that the sense of unity and unity of the young people of the nation remains strong, so that it becomes a home of independence by continuously upholding the values of Pancasila.

)* Digital Literacy Contributor

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