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Cross-Sector Collaboration Towards a Future of Indonesia Free from Online Gambling


*) By: Andi Mahesa

In the era of increasingly rapid digital transformation, cybercrime, including online gambling, has become a real threat to Indonesia’s social, economic, and cultural stability. The development of technology that should provide great benefits for the progress of the nation, has also opened up space for destructive illegal practices. Online gambling, which was previously hidden behind the scenes, has now become a problem that disturbs society, threatens economic integrity, and affects the morals of the younger generation. For this reason, eradicating online gambling requires solid collaboration across agencies and sectors, so that Indonesia can look to a cleaner, safer, and more prosperous future.

Deputy Minister of Komdigi Nezar Patria said that the importance of collaboration and cooperation between the government, law enforcement agencies, the private sector, and the community in eradicating online gambling. According to him, the big challenge in eradicating online gambling lies not only in legal issues, but also in the social impacts it causes. Therefore, all parties must unite in overcoming this problem, both in terms of prevention, law enforcement, and public education.

Furthermore, Nezar said that solid collaboration between various parties is the key to overcoming the challenges of this digital transformation. The government cannot work alone, and the private sector must also play an active role in ensuring that efforts to eradicate online gambling are effective and have a positive impact on society.

One concrete example of this collaboration is the steps taken by financial institutions to combat the circulation of online gambling proceeds, which are often involved in money laundering and financing of organized crime. In this case, the banking sector and financial institutions have an important role in preventing the misuse of transactions related to online gambling.

PT Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) is one example of a company that has demonstrated its commitment to mitigating risks related to money laundering (TPPU) and gambling. Wisnu Sunandar, SVP Corporate Secretary & Communication BSI, explained that his party has long implemented strict risk mitigation through the Anti-Money Laundering (APU), Prevention of Terrorism Funding (PPT), and Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Funding (PPSPM) programs.

The party actively carries out supervision through the Risk Monitoring Committee forum to ensure that the implementation of APU, PPT, and PPSPM is running well and adequately.

According to him, this step is not only limited to compliance with regulations, but also as a form of social responsibility to ensure that the Indonesian financial system is not misused by parties involved in online gambling. This strict supervision is very important to prevent the circulation of illegal money originating from online gambling activities, which can damage the country’s economic stability.

In addition, collaboration between the financial sector and the government in terms of transaction monitoring and identification of sources of funds also needs to be strengthened. With this synergy, efforts to eradicate online gambling can be more effective, and the negative impacts caused can be minimized.

Not only at the national level, cross-agency collaboration also needs to be strengthened at the regional level. Acting Governor of South Sumatra, Elen Setiadi said that eradicating online gambling requires synergy between government agencies, law enforcement officers, and the community to achieve optimal results. Elen emphasized that local governments have a strategic role in supervising and suppressing the increasingly rampant circulation of online gambling.

Elen said that collaboration between the central and regional governments is very important to monitor the circulation of online gambling throughout the region. Through this synergy, the community can create a cleaner, safer environment and avoid the negative impacts of online gambling.

In addition, local governments also have direct access to the community, allowing them to conduct more effective education and prevention. Local governments can work together with relevant parties such as the BNN, the police, and non-governmental organizations to provide information to the community about the dangers of online gambling and how to report illegal practices.

Collaboration across agencies in eradicating online gambling also has a major impact in protecting the younger generation from the threat of this crime. Online gambling not only damages personal finances, but can also lead to addiction and negative influences on the mindset and behavior of young people. Therefore, preventive efforts through education and public awareness are very important, so that the younger generation can avoid the detrimental trap of online gambling.

In this case, the role of the media, educational institutions, and the community is needed to raise awareness of the dangers of online gambling. The government also needs to continue to update regulations related to information and communication technology, in order to overcome online gambling that continues to grow.

Eradicating online gambling is a shared responsibility. In facing this major challenge, every element of society must play an active role, both as individuals, organizations, and institutions. The public also needs to be more aware of the negative impacts of online gambling, which not only harm themselves, but can also damage the social order and the nation’s economy. That way, Indonesia can move towards a safer and healthier future from online gambling.

*) The author is a student who lives in Jakarta.

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