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Cross Sectors Must Unite to Ensure the Smoothness of the 2024 Regional Elections


By: Dhika Kurnia

Cross-sectors must continue to unite to jointly oversee the smooth implementation of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections (Pilkada). This is because the democratic celebration event will not be able to run well if every element does not work together to supervise it.

On the other hand, if the implementation of the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada receives full supervision and support from all parties cross-sectorally, then it is not impossible that the democratic party in every region in Indonesia will run very smoothly and be able to minimize every bad possibility so that it does not happen.

Moreover, with how important the momentum of the Pilkada is in every region in Indonesia, this means that it really needs to be jointly guarded. Because the regional elections will not be successful if they only receive support from certain parties.

Ahead of the implementation of the democratic party that Indonesia will hold again, namely in the regional elections in November 2024, B-Universe is launching a Bersatu Guard Pilkada program as a form of strong commitment to oversee the implementation of regional level political contestation so that it can run well and smoothly.

According to the Executive Chairman of B-Universe, Enggartiasto Lukita, the Regional Head Election itself is the momentum for an extraordinary and historic democratic celebration for this nation.

Therefore, the media has a very important obligation, namely to continue to fully monitor how this year’s Pilkada runs so that it can run without obstacles and also without social unrest in society.

The media has a moral responsibility to continue to oversee the entire democratic party in Indonesia until it is complete, starting from the last presidential election to the regional elections until everything is completed smoothly.

Of course, the process of implementing the Pilkada itself will run very well if there is maturity from all Pilkada participants as well as the political parties (political parties) taking part in the regional level contestation.

The existence of different choices in politics and differences of opinion is actually a legitimate thing, especially in the democratic climate in Indonesia. However, even if there are different choices or opinions and political views, never let this damage the relationship between each other so that it becomes strained and even tension arises.

Because, if tension occurs, then in fact it will not be beneficial at all, or in other words, it will actually be very detrimental to the continuation of the nation and state which is developing towards a Golden Indonesia in 2045, which has always been the nation’s dream.

Meanwhile, the organizers of the Election and Pilkada, namely the General Election Commission of the Republic of Indonesia (KPU RI) give very high appreciation to anyone who has provided full support for the smooth running of the Pilkada.

This also includes the Bersatu Guard Pilkada program, which is a great hope of being able to continue to provide enlightenment to all the people of the country. KPU Commissioner, Idham Kholik admitted that with these various programs, all things or information regarding the Pilkada could be more easily informed and make the public more enlightened.

Moreover, the true prerequisite for the implementation of good democratic principles in Indonesia is the existence of well-informed voters or voters who are well informed and well-educated voters, or voters who are well educated. With the existence of several programs such as Bersatu to Guard Regional Elections, it is certainly possible to further improve the quality of local democracy in the country.

Not only in the media, the organizers of the democratic party and the public, but synergy also occurred in the security apparatus from joint personnel of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) and the Indonesian National Police (Polri).

This happened during the official visit of TNI Commander Agus Subiyanto at Headquarters (Police Headquarters) where he was immediately welcomed by National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo. Both parties and all their staff continue to prepare to strengthen synergy to oversee various important tasks, including the success of political contestation, not only at the national level, but also at the regional level throughout Indonesia.

One of the important tasks that must continue to receive maximum supervision is the Simultaneous Pilkada event in November 2024, which makes the security forces have a very strong commitment to ensuring that the democratic party in the country continues to run safely, smoothly and peacefully.

In order to make this happen, security forces continue to go directly to the field to really ensure that all activities and processes from the Pilkada stage to distribution run smoothly.

From the different roles and functions of each party, in fact they all complement and fill each other. Therefore, the existence of unity between cross-sectoral sectors is very important to ensure success and ensure that the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada runs smoothly.

*) Political Observer Domiciled in Jakarta

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