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Economic Growth in Papua Continues to Increase Thanks to the DOB


The addition of 4 new autonomous regions (DOBs) has many positive impacts on the people of Papua, including in the economic field. Papuans are getting stronger financially and their economy is improving. The reason is because the new province adds infrastructure that makes people’s activities easier and reduces shipping costs, so that their finances improve.

The addition of new autonomous regions was a request from the Papuan people which was granted by the government in 2022. The government considers that Papua really needs a new province to facilitate public services and promote people’s welfare. In addition, if there is a new autonomous region, development will be carried out in remote areas, not only in Jayapura or other big cities.

Currently there are 4 new provinces in Papua namely Southwest Papua, South Papua, Central Papua and Highlands Papua. The addition of the new autonomous region has brought many benefits to the people, especially in the economic field.

President Jokowi stated that the Papua Special Region aims to achieve equitable development and improve the people’s economy. In other words, with the existence of a new autonomous region, there are many benefits, including maximum service to the Papuan people, and also accelerating infrastructure development and having a positive impact on the people’s economy.

Infrastructure in the form of roads is the main benefit of adding new autonomous regions and another function is to improve the economic conditions of residents. Ease of mobility is key because the delivery of merchandise is faster. In addition, the goods are sent by land, not air, where shipping costs are very expensive.

The business world in Papua will be brighter because of the ease in buying and sending goods. The faster the trade turnover, the better because it will move the wheels of the economy on Earth of Cendrawasih. In addition, if the shipping costs are easy (because shipping is by land, not by air), then the price of goods can also be reduced.

So far, the prices of goods in Papua are much more expensive than in Java, even in DKI Jakarta, because shipping costs are expensive. If the cost of sending via land is cheaper, then the price of the item can automatically be lowered. Society will be more efficient and prosperous. This is a positive domino effect from infrastructure development in Papua, which is expected by the government.

When there is a new province, there will be additional APBD funds for the new new autonomous region. Some of these funds can be turned into electricity procurement projects, so that the entire Papua region can enjoy them. The government wants the principle of justice so that all Papuans are obliged to enjoy facilities in the form of adequate electricity.

The availability of electricity will trigger an increase in the people’s economy because they will no longer depend on generators. If there is a supply of electricity, the people will be enthusiastic to produce processed agricultural products (eg sago) which are processed using electronic devices. That way, economic activity will be more lively and the financial wheel spins quickly.

The effect on people’s welfare thanks to the rapidly increasing economy after regional expansion also occurred in the education sector. When Papuans have a better standard of living, they are happy to send their children to high school, even to college. You can help with the costs by applying for an Otsus (special autonomy) scholarship.

Meanwhile, Acting Head of BPS (Central Bureau of Statistics) Amalia Wisyasanti stated that Papua’s economic growth continues to increase. Meanwhile, the increase in growth was 10.9%, which came from mining nickel ore, silver ore, gold and copper.

According to BPS data, Papua’s economy in the second quarter of 2023 compared to the previous quarter grew by 9.83 percent (q-to-q). From the production side, the Mining and Quarrying business field (Category B) experienced the highest growth of 21.01 percent.

In a sense, economic growth has really materialized since there were 4 new autonomous regions in Papua. The proof is that there is valid data from BPS. The addition of the new autonomous regions has made the community’s economy stronger and they are grateful to President Jokowi for giving full attention to Papua.

The Papuan people are happy because the addition of new autonomous regions has brought many positive impacts, especially in the economic sector. With the existence of 4 new autonomous regions, currently there is no negative stigma towards Papua. Now in Bumi Cendrawasih it is increasingly advanced and there is equitable development, not only in Jayapura but also in other areas.

There are many benefits from regional expansion and one of them is people’s welfare. The community will feel that electricity enters the village and various other public facilities. They can move easily thanks to the roads, and this is very grateful, because it can make transportation easier. Papua’s economic growth has increased rapidly thanks to the addition of a new autonomous region. When there is a new autonomous region, there is an increase in APBD funds so that they can be used for community empowerment programs. Then, in 4 new autonomous regions, roads and other infrastructure were also built, so as to facilitate the mobility of the Papuan people, and have a positive impact on their economy.

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