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Education Transformation in Papua Government Strategy to Minimize Gaps


By: Angga Satria *)

Education is the main foundation for the development of a region and country. In Papua, one of the regions that has big challenges in terms of education, the Indonesian government has launched various transformation strategies to reduce education gaps and improve the quality of life of the local community.

This transformation not only aims to improve educational facilities, but also to ensure that every Papuan child has access to quality education that can open up opportunities and improve their standard of living.

One of the main steps in the transformation of education in Papua is improving school infrastructure. The government has committed to building and renovating schools in remote and isolated areas, including building more appropriate school buildings, providing adequate learning facilities, and providing books and educational tools. By improving school infrastructure, it is hoped that the teaching and learning process can be more effective and enjoyable, as well as encouraging more children to attend school regularly.

Apart from infrastructure, the government also focuses on improving the quality of teachers through various training and education programs. Teachers in Papua often face challenges when it comes to training and professional development, so the government has launched training programs specifically designed to meet their needs.

This training includes modern teaching techniques, relevant curriculum development, as well as pedagogical approaches appropriate to the local context. By improving teacher competency, it is hoped that they can provide better and more relevant education for students in Papua.

Curriculum development is also an important part of educational transformation in Papua. The curriculum implemented must be able to accommodate the local and cultural needs of the Papuan people. The government collaborates with education experts and community leaders to develop a curriculum that not only includes academic subjects but also promotes local knowledge and local cultural wisdom. In this way, students not only receive a quality education but also learn to appreciate and preserve their own culture.

The government continues to open opportunities for Papuan students to continue their education to a higher level through various scholarships and support programs. In addition, skills training was also introduced to prepare secondary school graduates to enter the world of work. These programs aim to provide practical skills relevant to labor market needs, so that Papuan youth can obtain decent jobs and contribute to the regional economy.

Acting Regional Secretary for West Papua, Jacob Fonataba, said that in an effort to prepare human resources in West Papua towards the digital transformation of a golden Indonesia, the West Papua provincial government is also committed to realizing a higher education affirmation scholarship program. This program is designed to provide learning opportunities to students who face difficulties in accessing higher education due to their conditions and geographical location.

In an effort to prepare human resources in West Papua towards the digital transformation of a golden Indonesia, the West Papua Provincial government is committed to realizing a higher education affirmation scholarship program in real form. The aim is to open insight, shape character, and mentally prepare students to have national insight.

Community involvement in the education process is also very important. The government encourages active participation from parents, community leaders and local institutions in supporting children’s education in Papua. Extension and communication programs are carried out to increase awareness about the importance of education and provide support to families in terms of financing education and participation in school activities. By involving the community, it is hoped that there will be broader support for children in achieving a better education.

Secretary General of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud-Ristek), Suharti, said the government had initiated the Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) to improve the quality of education throughout Indonesia, including Papua, which has geographical, demographic and socio-economic challenges.

The PIP program includes the distribution of financial assistance as well as improving educational facilities and infrastructure. This program involves various parties, including local government, schools and local communities, to ensure that assistance is right on target and utilized optimally by students.

Papua is an integral part of Indonesia, and Papuan children have the right to have the same opportunity to receive a decent education. The Smart Indonesia program is a real effort to make this happen, with support from the community and government to ensure this program continues to run and achieves its goals

Transforming education in Papua is an important strategic step to reduce educational disparities and improve the quality of life of local communities. By improving school infrastructure, improving teacher quality, developing relevant curricula, providing access to higher education and skills training, and involving the community, the government is working to create a better and more inclusive education system in Papua.

It is hoped that this effort will not only increase access and quality of education but also make a positive contribution to the development and progress of Papua as an integral part of Indonesia.

*) The author is a Masters Student in Political Science

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