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Facing Hoaxes, President Jokowi’s Leadership Proven to Serve the People


By: Teja Wulan Raditya

 The President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is indeed a leader who has been proven to serve the people very well through his various policies and steps for the people of the country. Therefore, all citizens should be able to deal with the hoaxes that are circulating out there which only contain propaganda because they are not based on reality or facts on the ground, and are only intended to discredit. Moreover, in the digital era like today, where all things and information can spread very quickly. Sometimes information that spreads too easily and quickly on various social media platforms also has its own challenges because it is prone to hoaxes. It is proven that it is not only information that is real and in accordance with the facts that spreads widely and quickly on the internet, but also issues that are the opposite. Fake news is clearly a very serious challenge, because it can also damage the image of an individual, let alone the figure of a country’s leader. One example is the frequent circulation of hoaxes on various social media, which targets the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi), and even his family. For that reason, in facing this phenomenon, it is very important for the public to truly know what the facts are that are actually happening in the field. All people must know and understand how President Jokowi’s leadership during his 2 terms or 10 years as Head of State has proven to truly serve the people. One real proof of how efforts are being made to maximize services to all Indonesian people is the launch of Indonesian government technology (Government Technology/GovTech) called INA Digital. The Head of State emphasized that it is very important for the government to continue to ensure the ease of bureaucratic services that are beneficial to the community. Because in reality the presence of the bureaucracy should serve, not complicate or even slow down. The benchmark for the success of public services is the level of public satisfaction, including the benefits that people can directly feel and how easy it is for all their affairs to run. The government itself as the organizer of public services continues to strive to be able to quickly adapt to the dynamic developments of the current era. These efforts are made by placing the public at the center of service delivery, including community aspirations as the main key in determining the direction of policy and development of the public service system. Head of Auditorate III.D of the Audit Board of Indonesia (BPK), Poegoeh Yoedo Roesmanto explained that the government is constantly improving quality and accountability, so that added value and benefits are realized in a real and direct manner to optimize public services. Meanwhile, the Coordinator of the Expert Team for the National Secretariat of SDGs of the Ministry of National Development Planning (PPN)/Bappenas, Yanuar Nugroho, assessed that the government of President Joko Widodo has indeed proven to be very successful in building integrated public services and continuing to expand services because the community itself can feel the benefits directly. As one example, there is a Public Service Mall (MPP) in the regions that allows residents to take care of all documents, from birth to death, from work documents to become Foreign Workers (TKA) even until they retire. The existence of the MPP is already available in many areas with services reaching hundreds of types and the government will continue to improve it. This is clearly a concrete solution because for decades the community has found the problem of slow public services, resulting in the emergence of the perception that getting public services must cost money. The steps and policies of the government, especially since the era of President Jokowi’s leadership, to eradicate corruption, especially in the public service sector, are increasingly showing signs of progress. So far, efforts to eradicate illegal levies (pungli) have shown very significant progress. So that as a real manifestation of corruption prevention to maximize public services in the era of President Joko Widodo’s leadership, the public really feels it. Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has proven in real terms how his leadership serves all the people of Indonesia with various programs whose benefits citizens can feel directly. Although there are many provocative issues and narratives and hoaxes circulating on social media and various other platforms, this is clearly a real challenge that needs to be addressed and faced together. Do not let the challenges of hoaxes and efforts to discredit how President Jokowi’s real performance has been very successful in improving the welfare of his people become unclear, even though his dedication as a Head of State is very great towards this nation and country. Let’s work together to face the spread of hoaxes in the digital world much wiser and continue to fully support the government’s development efforts and maintain the integrity and unity of the Indonesian nation. *) The author is a Public Policy Observer at Indo Gala Media

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