Government Intensifies Education on the Dangers of Online Gambling for the Younger Generation
By: Satria Putra Haryo )*
The government continues to intensify digital education and literacy efforts to prevent the younger generation from being exposed to the increasingly rampant dangers of online gambling. This step is not only carried out through administrative policies, but also with an educational approach that involves various parties, from ministries to community groups.
The Ministry of Communication and Digital (Kemkomdigi) is one of the institutions that is very active in implementing digital literacy programs to combat online gambling practices. The Director of Information and Political Communication, Law, and Security of the Directorate General of Public Information and Communication, Marroli J. Indarto, emphasized that the digital literacy program will continue to be expanded so that the public can be more aware of online gambling content that is often disguised in attractive forms, such as entertainment videos or artist uploads on social media. In fact, several Instagram accounts with thousands of followers have been closed because they were found to include links leading to online gambling sites.
In addition, Kemkomdigi also plays an active role in compiling various digital campaigns aimed at increasing public awareness of the dangers of online gambling. One concrete step that has been taken is collaboration with influencers and content creators to convey educational messages about digital literacy. With a creative and interesting approach, it is hoped that the message can be more easily accepted by the younger generation who are active users of social media.
The government’s efforts do not stop at educating the general public. Local governments down to the sub-district level are also involved in disseminating information about the dangers of online gambling. With strong synergy, it is hoped that the community, especially the younger generation, can avoid these illegal practices which have a destructive impact on social and economic life.
Kemkomdigi also encourages the active participation of the younger generation as digital volunteers. Their role is considered important in maintaining a clean and safe digital environment from various dangerous content. The young generation who are tech-savvy are expected to be the first line of defense in facing the threat of online gambling, while also contributing to efforts to maintain a healthy digital space.
Support for the government’s steps also came from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Technology (Kemdiktisaintek). Minister Satryo Soemantri Brodjonegoro emphasized that the phenomenon of online gambling has disturbed the world of education, especially among students. Data shows that around 960 thousand school and university students are involved in this practice, dominated by student groups. This is a serious concern considering the great potential of students as agents of national change.
The Ministry of Education and Science and Technology has taken strategic steps by instructing state and private universities to play an active role in prevention efforts. University leaders are asked to raise awareness of all campus components, including lecturers and education staff, regarding the dangers of online gambling. In addition, campuses are also encouraged to create a conducive environment for the development of positive and productive digital activities.
In dealing with students affected by online gambling, the Ministry of Education and Science and Technology has prepared a psychological rehabilitation and recovery program. This approach is taken to help them recover from addiction and trauma caused by online gambling practices. With the support of psychologists, students who are trapped in this activity are expected to be able to refocus on their education and develop their potential positively.
Collaborative efforts between ministries are further strengthened by the support of the Coordinating Ministry for Political and Security Affairs (Kemenkopolkam). Minister Budi Gunawan emphasized the importance of cross-agency cooperation in eradicating online gambling. In addition to enforcement measures, his party also highlighted the importance of a massive education campaign to raise public awareness of the dangers of online gambling.
According to him, preventive measures are the main key in protecting the future of the younger generation. The educational campaign promoted by the government is not only aimed at protecting individuals, but also at maintaining the integrity of the nation from threats that can damage social and moral values.
In this context, the role of parents is very important. The Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection (KemenPPPA) emphasizes the importance of open and positive communication between parents and children regarding the use of technology. With an educational and dialogical approach, parents are expected to be the first line of defense to protect children from the risks of online gambling.
Public awareness to be more selective in accessing digital content is also an important concern. The government continues to remind that online gambling sites often disguise themselves in various attractive forms, so that vigilance is neededin an effective initial step in prevention.
From the various steps that have been taken by the government, it is clear that there is a high commitment to combating online gambling as a whole. Education, digital literacy, rehabilitation, and cross-sector cooperation are the main foundations in protecting the younger generation from threats that can damage their future. The government hopes that with strong synergy from all parties, Indonesia can create a clean, safe, and educational digital space for the entire community.
)* Contributor to the Indonesian Gold Forum