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Government Intensifies Socialization and Education to Eliminate Online Gambling Addiction


By: Aditya Akbar )*

The government continues to intensify socialization and education to eliminate the community’s dependence on online gambling, especially among students. This effort involves schools, parents, and various agencies to prevent the negative impacts of online gambling.

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Education Office is actively socializing the dangers of online gambling in schools. School principals have been provided with an understanding of the signs of students who are indicated to be involved. Deputy Head of the DKI Jakarta Education Office, Puswosusilo, explained that the main indicators that need to be watched out for include changes in student behavior, such as tending to be alone and having difficulty interacting. In addition, students who often make statements out of context in conversations also need special attention.

Through the official social media platform of the DKI Jakarta Government, Jalahoaks, Purwo emphasized that schools have a major role in monitoring student behavior, including their spending patterns. Teachers and educators are instructed to observe students with suspicious spending habits. If indications of online gambling involvement are found, teachers must communicate with parents through Guidance and Counseling (BK) teachers without giving direct sanctions.

The impact of online gambling is very dangerous for children, causing decreased social interaction and physical and mental disorders. Students who are addicted to online gambling often experience sleep deprivation due to playing until late at night, which affects concentration and enthusiasm for learning. If not handled immediately, they have the potential to take risky actions, such as stealing or forcing friends to lend money.

To overcome this threat, schools are making various mitigation efforts, including intensive socialization and reminders from teachers about the dangers of online gambling before starting lessons. The DKI Jakarta Education Office also collaborates with ministries, institutions, and related Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) to develop effective education and socialization strategies.

If students are indicated to be addicted to online gambling, the Education Office will coordinate with agencies such as the Empowerment, Child Protection and Population Control Office (DPPAPP), the Social Service, and the Health Service to provide further assistance. This step involves BK teachers and psychologists who work together with cross-OPDs to ensure that the children involved get the help they need.

At the national level, the government continues to fight online gambling and illegal online loans which are increasingly disturbing the community. Minister of Communication and Digital, Meutya Hafid, emphasized the government’s commitment to building a safe digital infrastructure that provides maximum benefits. According to her, the role of parents and teachers is very important in educating children to use technology wisely.

In a meeting with students, Meutya emphasized the importance of parental and teacher assistance in managing the time of using digital devices so that children do not overdo it in accessing the internet.

In addition to building digital awareness, the government also distributed educational materials in the form of posters, flyers, and animated videos to help students understand the dangers of online gambling and illegal online loans. Digital literacy is the main shield in warding off negative content, with the active role of parents and teachers in providing understanding to children.

Online gambling and illegal online loans are a serious threat to society, not only in terms of finances, but also have an impact on the psychological condition and welfare of families. Therefore, the government is promoting a financial management education program for students as a preventive measure so that they are not easily tempted by illegal online loans. By understanding how to manage finances from an early age, the younger generation can be wiser in managing their money and avoid detrimental practices.

From the legislative and law enforcement side, member of the Regional Representative Council (DPD) of the Republic of Indonesia from DKI Jakarta, Fahira Idris, explained five main strategies in eradicating online gambling. The first strategy is to strengthen technology and cyber patrols by utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) to detect online gambling sites early and prevent their spread.

The second strategy is to strengthen cross-agency collaboration. The synergy between the Police, the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo), the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK), the National Cyber ​​and Crypto Agency (BSSN), and various other stakeholders must be strengthened. By sharing data and information, identification and blocking of online gambling sites can be done faster.

The third strategy is to enforce the law firmly by taking action against online gambling perpetrators and implementing the money laundering crime article (TPPU) so that the flow of gambling funds can be stopped. One example is the confiscation of assets from the Aruss Hotel Semarang which was supportednot derived from online gambling.

The fourth strategy is to increase education and public campaigns. This effort involves disseminating information about the dangers of online gambling through various social media platforms and including digital literacy education in the national curriculum. Thus, the younger generation can better understand the risks of online gambling from an early age.

The fifth strategy is server blocking and implementing innovative policies. The government must focus on cutting off access to online gambling servers. Although still a challenge, collaboration with technology experts can help find innovative solutions to limit online gambling activities as a whole.

This approach is expected to be able to suppress the spread of online gambling in Indonesia. With synergy between the government, law enforcement, educational institutions, and the community, dependence on online gambling can be minimized. Collective awareness and appropriate preventive measures are key to creating a safer digital environment for future generations.

)* The author is a contributor to the Jendela Baca Institute

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