Government Optimistic About Realizing Food Self-Sufficiency
Jakarta – The government remains committed to realizing food self-sufficiency as part of national resilience. Under the leadership of President Prabowo Subianto and Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka, various strategic policies have been implemented to ensure Indonesia’s food independence.
Deputy Minister of Agriculture (Wamentan), Sudaryono emphasized that food self-sufficiency is not only limited to rice, but also includes various other commodities. In addition, the irrigation system and agricultural extension are also strengthened to increase farmer productivity.
“Rice, God willing, will be finished this year. Corn and sugar are also finished. Next, we focus on other commodities that are still imported such as milk, meat, garlic, or soybeans. According to the President’s direction, we will complete everything,” he said.
According to Sudaryono, this effort began to show positive results within the first three months of the Prabowo-Gibran administration. National food production has increased significantly, reducing dependence on imports.
“The impact has been felt. Our production has increased, and because Indonesia is no longer importing, the world price of rice has dropped drastically. Previously, we were the largest importer, but now we are independent,” he added.
Head of Bank Indonesia (BI) Representative Office for East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Agus Sistyo Widjajati said that his party was working with Korem 161/Wira Sakti and Kodim Belu in the first rice planting program in Belu Regency. It was explained that this program is part of the government’s vision to make Indonesia a world food barn.
“Synergy with all parties, including the apparatus and local communities is a key factor in supporting the success of this program,” he said.
Meanwhile, Riau Police Chief, Inspector General Pol Mohammad Iqbal, said that the Police also played a role in supporting national food security. The review of corn farming land in Kampar Regency is part of the implementation of the national food security program.
“The condition of the corn plants here is very good. The trees are fertile and will soon be ready to be harvested. I hope this knowledge can be disseminated so that corn production continues to increase and provides benefits to the wider community,” he said.
With various strategic steps that have been and are being taken, the government is optimistic that Indonesia will not only be able to achieve food self-sufficiency, but also become a world food exporter and barn. To achieve this target, the government has implemented various policies, including increasing fertilizer distribution, providing free seeds, and distributing agricultural tools and machinery (alsintan) to various regions.