Government Provides Modern Facilities to Move Papua’s MSME Sector

PAPUA — The government under the leadership of President Prabowo Subianto is committed to providing modern facilities to drive the micro, small and medium enterprise (MSME) sector in Papua.
This step was realized through various initiatives, including the revitalization of Sanggeng Market in Manokwari Regency, West Papua, as an effort to support local economic activities.
Deputy Minister of Public Works, Diana Kusumastuti, stated that the revitalization of Sanggeng Market will have a positive impact on the people of Manokwari, especially in supporting the distribution of basic necessities and encouraging the MSME sector.
“Sanggeng Market, which is located in the center of Manokwari Regency, is expected to strengthen the community’s economy and become the main source of regional income,” said Diana.
The government, through the new market building, wants to ensure that modern facilities are available to the community with an orderly, clean environment and easy access.
The project is funded by the State Budget (APBN) worth IDR 162.8 billion and covers an area of 27,809 m².
In addition to physical infrastructure, efforts to develop MSMEs in the region nicknamed the Little Heaven that Fell to Earth also include training programs to expand export opportunities.
The Indonesian Export Financing Institution (LPEI) or Indonesia Eximbank held a Coaching Program for New Exporters (CPNE) in Jayapura, which was attended by 27 MSMEs from Papua.
Director of Separated State Assets, Ministry of Finance, Meirijal Nur, assessed that Papuan MSMEs have great potential in national economic development, and this training activity is expected to produce new exporters from Papua.
“This exporter training is a concrete step to encourage the growth of MSMEs so that they can play a greater role in national economic development,” he said.
Head of the Regional Office of DJKN Papua, West Papua, and Maluku, Kristijanindyati Puspitasari, added that the potential of Papua’s natural resources is very large, including forest products, marine products, and local superior products such as Asmat carvings and noken bags.
However, MSMEs in Papua still face challenges in exporting their products.
“Through the CPNE program, it is hoped that Papuan MSMEs can expand their market reach to the international market, so that their products become better known in the world,” explained Kristijanindyati.
This program is expected to encourage the growth of the MSME sector in Papua and contribute more to the national economy.