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Government Realizes Nusantara Student Dormitory to Improve Quality of Higher Education


Manado – The government continues to show its commitment to supporting improving the quality of higher education in Indonesia through a superior strategic program, the Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN). This program initiated by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) has provided many benefits, especially for the younger generation.

President Joko Widodo emphasized the importance of higher education in producing superior and highly competitive human resources (HR).

“Education plays an important role in the development of a nation. “We are not only preparing a young generation who is academically intelligent, but also mentally and morally tough,” said Jokowi in his statement.

AMN is clear evidence of the government’s seriousness in giving full attention to the education sector. After success in Surabaya, AMN development is now underway in Manado and will continue in other cities such as Makassar, Yogyakarta, Jakarta and Malang.

The Chief of Presidential Staff (KSP), Moeldoko, also underlined the importance of AMN’s role in producing a young generation who is not only academically smart but also has Pancasila character.

“The government wants to create a generation that is not only knowledgeable but also has a strong national spirit.” explained Moeldoko.

Head of the North Sulawesi Regional Settlement Infrastructure Center (BPPW Sulut), Ir. Nurdiana Habibie, added that the construction of AMN in Manado was carried out on an area of ​​20 thousand hectares with a building area of ​​1,595 square meters.

“The facilities available at AMN are very complete and modern, including dormitories, meeting halls, multipurpose rooms, sports fields and parking areas,” he said.

With AMN, students will not only receive good academic education but also be trained in non-academic fields. This aims to create a young generation who is innovative and capable of producing quality work.

It is hoped that the AMN program can continue to various regions in the archipelago, so that the benefits can be felt by more young Indonesians. The government is determined to ensure that every initiative step in the education sector can run well for the progress of the nation. (*)

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