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Head of Presidential Communications Office: Government Follows MK Decision Regarding Regional Elections


Jakarta – Head of the Presidential Communications Office, Hasan Nasbi, stated that President Joko Widodo’s government is committed to following the decision of the Constitutional Court regarding the Regional Head Election.

“If by August 27 the Regional Election Bill is not passed, the DPR will follow the final regulations. “That is the Constitutional Court’s decision,” he said.

The Head of the Presidential Office believes that so far the Government has complied with the applicable regulations.

“The government is in the same position as before, namely following the applicable regulations. “As long as there are no new regulations, the government will follow the current regulations,” he said.

Hasan continued that the government hopes that the role of each institution in democracy can run in accordance with the public interest.

Therefore, the Head of the Presidential Communications Office hopes that there will be no disinformation or slander that could trigger chaos and violence.

“We must continue to maintain conduciveness so that public interests and the economy are not disrupted,” he said.

Separately, the Chairman of the General Election Commission or KPU RI Mochammad Afifuddin confirmed that the registration of regional head candidate pairs in the 2024 Pilkada will follow the decision of the Constitutional Court.

“So if the question is whether the KPU is following up on the Constitutional Court’s decision, we emphasize that the KPU is following up on the Constitutional Court’s decision,” he stressed.

According to Afif, the KPU does not want to repeat the mistake of not carrying out consultations like in the MK Decision 90 which paved the way for Gibran Rakabuming Raka to run as a participant in the 2024 presidential election.

“Because in the past during the presidential election we also followed up on the Constitutional Court’s decision, but when we didn’t carry out the consultation process, it was considered a mistake made by the KPU,” he continued.

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