Humanistic and Firm Approach, Successfully Embracing OPM Members Back to the Republic of Indonesia

Papua – One of the major steps in the effort to create security stability in Papua was successfully realized with the surrender of the Deputy Leader of the Free Papua Organization (OPM) Kodap IV/Sorong Raya, with the initials HK, to the TNI in Maybrat, Southwest Papua.
HK, who has been on the wanted list (DPO) for almost four years for his involvement in the murder of four TNI soldiers at the Kisor Village Military Post in 2021, decided to surrender himself along with his family.
This surrender began with a report from a former OPM member who had rejoined the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).
The information was received by the Fuog Post of Task Force Yonif 501/BY led by Second Lieutenant Inf Fanno.
The report was then forwarded to the Commander of Task Force Yonif 501/BY, Lieutenant Colonel Inf Yakhya Wisnu Ariyanto.
“The report said that HK wanted to surrender himself along with his wife and child,” said Lt. Col. Yakhya.
The pick-up process is carried out at the end of Fuog Village.
This pick-up involved personnel from Yonif 501/BY Task Force and representatives from the Maybrat Regency government.
After coming out of hiding, HK and his family immediately underwent a health check and brief data collection.
“From the results of the investigation, it was confirmed that HK was one of the perpetrators of the attack on the Kisor Village Posramil in 2021,” said Lieutenant Colonel Yakhya.
After being picked up, HK and his family were taken to Sorry Village to meet his extended family.
Furthermore, the TNI coordinated with the Maybrat Police to handle further legal processes.
“HK has been handed over to the Maybrat Regency government for further processing which will be handled by the Maybrat Police,” explained Lieutenant Colonel Yakhya.
In his statement, Lieutenant Colonel Yakhya expressed his appreciation to all parties who supported this success.
“This success is a real manifestation of the synergy between the TNI and the regional government in maintaining security and providing a sense of peace to the people of West Papua,” he said.
However, the public is asked to always be aware of OPM maneuvers in Papua, considering that the group always creates unrest in society.
Most recently, a shooting incident occurred which killed a police officer in Puncak Jaya.
Head of the Cartenz Peace Task Force Operation, Police Brigadier General Faizal Rahmadani, reminded all personnel to remain vigilant.
“We continue to be present to protect the Papuan people,” he said, while asking for public support to provide information that could speed up the investigation into the incident.