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IKN Brings a Positive Impact to Local Communities in Kalimantan


 By: Niko Saputra

The presence of the Indonesian Capital City (IKN) will have a very positive impact on the wheels of government and the lives of local communities in the region. For this reason, the North Penajam Paser Regency government needs to improve human resources (HR) through good education.

IKN development in Kalimantan has become a hot topic discussed in various circles. The Acting Governor of East Kalimantan Province, Akmal Malik, firmly stated his belief that the presence of IKN will have a significant positive impact on government and the lives of local communities. Akmal said this policy is very important to answer future challenges which are not small due to the impact of IKN. All North Penajam Paser children must go to school to become a superior and high-quality generation.

Apart from that, the land or idle land in North Penajam Paser must be cultivated productively, especially since so far it has been successful in becoming self-sufficient in rice. Akmal said that the population of North Penajam Paser, even East Kalimantan, will increase when IKN is truly realized. This statement is not just a baseless claim, but is based on facts and realities on the ground.

Regarding improving human resources, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Directorate General of Human Settlements is improving a number of elementary schools (SD) located near or around the Central Government Core Area or KIPP IKN in East Kalimantan (Kaltim). The Director General of Human Settlements of the Ministry of PUPR, Diana Kusumastuti, said that the aim of repairing a number of elementary schools near KIPP IKN is so that they can accommodate students from ASN families or communities who have moved to the archipelago, East Kalimantan. Diana said that the PUPR Ministry plans to hold auctions related to schools, mosques and markets at IKN.

Based on Appendix II regarding the IKN Master Plan in Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning National Capital, the basic principles of education at KIKN as a whole will be directed at the concept of 21st century education which is in line with the vision of education at KIKN, namely building the best educational ecosystem to meet the needs of future talent. ahead in the economic cluster as well as being a role model for providing higher education and improving living standards

First of all, the construction of IKN will create new opportunities for local communities, especially in the area around Penajam Paser Utara (PPU). Part of the PPU area, especially in Sepaku District, has been designated as an IKN area. This opens up the potential for economic improvement and prosperity for local communities. With the existence of IKN, new jobs and business opportunities will be created that can be utilized by the community to improve their standard of living.

Second, IKN development also encourages improving the quality of human resources through good education. Akmal Malik emphasized the importance of education for PPU children so that they become a superior and quality generation. By increasing access to quality education, it is hoped that the next generation will be born who is ready to face future challenges, both in the context of IKN development and in various other development sectors.

Apart from that, IKN development will also encourage the development of other economic sectors. One example is the agricultural sector. PPU, which has successfully achieved rice self-sufficiency, can make productive use of idle land to support IKN’s food needs. This is an opportunity for local farmers to increase production and diversify their agricultural products, so that they can meet potential market demand from IKN and its surroundings.

Not only that, with the presence of IKN, there will be an increase in the population around the area. This will open up new opportunities for the services and trade sectors, as well as encourage overall local economic growth. However, the increase in population also demands good planning and management from local governments in order to accommodate the need for adequate infrastructure and public services.

Apart from the economic aspect, IKN development will also have a positive impact in terms of improving infrastructure and public services. With the construction of IKN, it is hoped that there will be an increase in accessibility and quality of infrastructure such as roads, transportation and other public utilities. This will bring benefits to the entire community, both those living around the IKN area and in other areas in Kalimantan.

In a social and cultural context, IKN development can also be a momentum to strengthen diversity and social solidarity. With the arrival of various levels of society from various regions and backgrounds, it is hoped that there will be an exchange of culture and positive values ​​between communities. This will enrich Indonesia’s cultural diversity and strengthen national unity and integrity.

Thus, it can be concluded that IKN development in Kalimantan is not just an infrastructure project, but is also a great opportunity for local communities to improve their welfare and develop their economic potential and human resources. With full support from the government and cooperation between various parties, it is hoped that IKN can become a center for sustainable growth and have a real positive impact on the people of Kalimantan and Indonesia in general.

*The author is an economic observer

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