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IKN Development Runs Smoothly, Several Strategic Projects Completed


By: Evi Salma )*

The development of the Indonesian National Capital (IKN) in Indonesia has shown significant progress. A number of strategic projects that are an important part of this development have been successfully completed on time. This development process has involved various parties and resources, both from the government and the private sector, in order to create a modern and sustainable government center.

Since it was announced as a national project, the development of the IKN has become a major concern for the government. Various strategic plans have been drawn up to ensure that this development runs smoothly and according to the schedule that has been set. Various infrastructure projects, such as roads, bridges, and public facilities, have been successfully completed in a relatively short time.

One of the projects that was successfully completed was the construction of a main road connecting the IKN with the surrounding major cities. This road is expected to facilitate public mobility and accelerate the distribution of goods and services to the IKN. With this main road, access to the IKN will be easier and more efficient, so that it can encourage economic growth in the surrounding areas.

Head of the IKN Infrastructure Development Implementation Task Force of the PUPR Ministry, Danis Hidayat Sumadilaga said that the IKN toll road will soon be operational starting Saturday, August 10, 2024. The functional operation of the toll road is to support the smooth delivery of logistics in preparation for the implementation of the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia in the IKN. Currently, the construction of the IKN toll road is almost complete, at least in three sections, so that it can be used functionally for 24 hours later.

The IKN Toll Road will be used functionally from 10-18 August 2024 or after the completion of the independence ceremony in the IKN. In fact, the toll road is not only used for the smooth mobility of logistics to the IKN, or invited guests, even the flag procession will also pass through the route.

For information, the construction of the IKN Access Toll Road is currently underway in Section 3A Karangjoang-KKT Kariangau along 13.4 kilometers (km), Section 3B KKT Kariangau-Simpang Tempadung along 7.3 km with, Section 5A Simpang Tempadung-Pulau Balang Bridge along 6.67 km. The three sections are currently the closest to completion, and are ready to be used functionally to support the celebration of independence in the IKN. The IKN functional toll road itself can be used via the Balikpapan-Samarinda (Balsam) Toll Road. Later, vehicles can exit at Karangjoang or KM 13. Vehicles travel a distance of 13.4 km in Section 3A Karangjoang-KKT Kariangau. Then continue on the functional route Section 3B KKT Kariangau-Simpang Tempadung along 7.3 km

In addition, the construction of a connecting bridge has also been completed. This bridge serves as the main link between the IKN and other areas on the island. The construction of this bridge is expected to strengthen connectivity between regions and increase transportation efficiency. With this bridge, travel time between the IKN and its surrounding areas will be shorter.

Other infrastructure development such as drainage systems have also been completed. A good drainage system is very important to prevent flooding and reduce the risk of natural disasters as well as to maintain environmental cleanliness and health in the IKN.

The housing development project for government employees has also reached the final stage. This housing is built with a modern and environmentally friendly design to ensure comfort for residents. With decent housing, it is hoped that government employees can work more productively and focused.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said that 12 flats (Rusun) for ASN in the IKN will soon be ready for operation. Currently, his party is building 47 ASN flats which are targeted to be completed in 2024. Meanwhile, the current progress of the construction of ASN flats in the IKN has reached an average of 66.47%. The details are, ASN flat 1 progress has reached 69.2% and ASN flat 2 is 56.9%. Then, ASN flat 3 progress has reached 61.0% and ASN flat 4 progress has reached 78.8%. Outside of ASN flats, the progress of the Presidential Security Forces (Paspampres) flats has reached 61.2% and the BIN and Polri flats are 79.8%.

This development process cannot be separated from the support of various parties, including experienced investors and contractors. Good cooperation between the government and the private sector has been the key to the success of this project. In addition, active participation from the community is also very important in supporting the smooth development of the IKN.

In this development process, various challenges and obstacles have been successfully overcome. Challenges such as difficult geographical conditions and unpredictable weather have been overcome with careful planning and sophisticated technology. The development team has also worked hard to ensure that each project is completed with good quality and in accordance with the established standards.

With the completion of these strategic projects, IKN is now ready to welcome new residents and operate as a modern government center. It is hoped that the development of IKN will have a positive impact on economic and social development in Indonesia. In addition, IKN is also expected to be an example for the development of other cities in the future.

Overall, the smooth construction of the IKN shows the government’s commitment to realizing the long-term vision of creating an efficient and sustainable government center. With the completion of a number of strategic projects, the IKN is now ready to host the celebration of the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia and become a symbol of progress and innovation in Indonesia.

)* The author is a contributor to the Lingkar Pers Ruang Baca Nusantara

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