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IKN Nusantara Symbol of Transformation of President Jokowi’s Successful Leadership in Realizing Advanced Indonesia


By: Ardiansyah Gunawan
President Joko Widodo has proven his commitment to realizing Indonesia’s transformation towards a more advanced future with the development of the Indonesian Capital City (IKN).

The development of the IKN is not just a relocation of the center of government, but a real symbol of the transformation of the success of the leadership of the seventh President of the Republic of Indonesia. President Jokowi’s idea to build a modern, sustainable, and smart capital city is a real manifestation of the ongoing grand vision of Advanced Indonesia.

The transformation of the IKN reflects the ability of the Indonesian nation to adapt and utilize technology in the development of future cities. President Jokowi emphasized the importance of the IKN as a symbol of the nation’s progress, emphasizing that the success of the development of this new capital city is not only seen from the physical aspect, but also from the values ​​of sustainability and the intelligence of the city it carries.

The IKN concept aims to be a future city that can answer global challenges, while improving the quality of life of its people. With the existence of an area known as the 10-Minute City, the hope for Advanced Indonesia is getting closer to reality.

One of the key factors in the success of the IKN development is the implementation of a modern and sustainable smart city concept. Director General of Cipta Karya of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Diana Kusumastuti, explained that the development of a smart city in the IKN is aimed at improving the quality of life of the community through a planned and comprehensive approach.

IKN is not only designed as a center of government, but also as an area that will utilize the latest technology in planning and managing its city. The application of the modern sustainability concept includes efficient resource management, green infrastructure, and the application of digital technology in public services. All of that creates IKN as a city of the future that supports a better community life and is in balance with nature.

In addition to being a symbol of technological progress and sustainability, the relocation of the nation’s capital to an area that allows the Advanced Indonesia target to be achieved is also an important step in accelerating equitable development throughout Indonesia.

Director of Economic and Maritime Information and Communication, Septriana Tangkary, said that the relocation of the capital city to the IKN aims to accelerate equitable development.

This will have a significant impact on economic development outside Java and empower areas that have so far received less attention. The development of the IKN is part of an effort to unite all the potential of the nation, with equality as an important foundation in the development of a stronger and more inclusive Indonesia.

President Jokowi’s move to move the capital city is not only a response to the challenge of Jakarta’s increasingly limited capacity, but is also part of a long-term vision to create a new growth center in Indonesia.

As a national leader who does not come from the elite of political parties or the military, Jokowi always emphasizes the importance of equitable development in order to create prosperity for all Indonesian people. With the development of the IKN, the regions of Indonesia that have been marginalized can feel the positive impact of the existence of a closer and more accessible center of government.

The development of the region dubbed the 10 Minute City also provides a real example of how Indonesian President Joko Widodo continues to fight for the concept of development that is not only based on physical infrastructure development, but also on human and environmental development.

IKN is designed by considering aspects of sustainability and community welfare, where the concept of a smart and environmentally friendly city is expected to support a better life for future generations.

Meanwhile, the Director General of Cipta Karya of the PUPR Ministry, Diana Kusumastuti, added that the success of the IKN development is also inseparable from the role of various parties in supporting the sustainability concept.

The planning and development process is carried out comprehensively, covering all aspects from the environment, infrastructure, to city management that utilizes advanced technology.

This shows that the IKN is not only a symbol of physical progress, but also a symbol of success in integrating all elements of development to realize an ideal future city.

President Jokowi has proven that with a strong vision and commitment, Indonesia is capable of realizing significant change. The development of the IKN Nusantara shows how the Head of State has succeeded in implementing an integrated and future-oriented development concept, while maintaining a balance between technological development and environmental sustainability.

The success of the development of the IKN Nusantara is proof that the transformation towards Advanced Indonesia has gone well. This sustainable and smart development reflects a major achievement that continues to this day, with support from all elements of society.

The national leader who was born in Surakarta City has brought Indonesia into a new era, where development is no longer focused on just one region, but touches all corners of the country, ensuring that progress can be felt by all.

*) Political Policy Analyst – Fajar Institute for Political Studies

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