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KPU Commits to Guiding MK Decisions Regarding Registration of Regional Head Candidates


Jakarta – The Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU) said that the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding regional head elections (pilkada), will continue to be used as a guide.

“We also said that we will firmly implement the decision of the Constitutional Court,” said Afifuddin

Afifuddin explained that the KPU would include MK material in the PKPU.

“What is certain is that on August 27-29, when registering regional head candidates, (KPU) will guide the PKPU regulations which include the materials or decisions of the Constitutional Court which were decided on August 20,” he said.

He added that the KPU would hold a consultation meeting with Commission II of the DPR regarding the revision of KPU Regulation (PKPU) Number 8 of 2024. It is planned that this hearing meeting will be held one day before the registration of candidate pairs, namely on Monday (26/8/2024).

“Related to the follow-up to this decision. “We are carrying out orderly procedural steps, namely by holding consultations by holding discussions at Commission II or at the DPR,” he said.

Afifuddin views the consultation with the DPR as an effort by the KPU to follow the applicable procedures when wishing to adopt the Constitutional Court’s decision into the PKPU.

Apart from that, this was done so that the KPU would not receive further sanctions from the Election Organizer Honorary Council (DKPP) when adopting MK Decision Number 90 of 2023 regarding the conditions for the previous presidential and vice presidential nominations.

“In the past, when we did not carry out consultation procedures, because of that situation we were then declared to have violated and were given a severe warning, or even the final harsh sanction, by the Ethics Council or DKPP,” he said.

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