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KPU Ensures Professional Preparation of All Regional Election Needs


By: Budi Setiawan )*

In order to uphold justice, the General Election Commission (KPU) ensures that all preparations for the Regional Head Election (Pilkada) are carried out with high professionalism so that these activities will run successfully and the community is also expected to actively participate.Regional head elections (Pilkada) will soon be held simultaneously in Indonesia, of course this cannot be separated from the role of the General Election Commission (KPU) which prepares the entire series of Pilkada from the beginning to the end of these activities.The KPU has a lot to prepare for the regional elections in November. In preparing the KPU, it upholds professionalism for the sake of society so that it gets leaders who are fair, wise, responsible and trustworthy. Even though there is a lot that needs to be prepared, the KPU continues to be committed to ensuring everything runs smoothly.One of the KPU’s preparations is providing outreach to the community to participate in overseeing the regional elections so that they can be successful and run in an orderly manner, so that the community also feels the benefits. The KPU in various regions carries out outreach in their own ways, in order to increase community participation to take an active role in making this activity a success.North Luwu (Lutra) South Sulawesi KPU is one of them which also provides outreach to the community to increase community participation so that they can choose the right leader. Chairman of the Lutra KPU, Hayu Vandy, said that this activity would be a joint effort in order to make the Pilkada activities a success.Apart from that, he also hopes that there will be input, responses and suggestions so that this activity can run smoothly and in an orderly manner. For information, the RUN Pilkada is a socialization activity initiated by the South Sulawesi KPU which has been integrated in 24 district/city KPUs and will take place on 18 August 2024. This activity aims to increase community enthusiasm to participate in the simultaneous regional elections on 27 November 2024. Hayu added that his party had prepared all activity needs, including administration to completeness. And will work professionally, acting fairly to all participants.Meanwhile, the East Java General Election Commission (KPU) also held activities aimed at inviting journalists. The activity, entitled Media Gathering Synergy of Journalists in the Socialization of the 2024 East Java Pilgun Election, was held in Surabaya on 16 August. With this outreach, the media and journalists can provide accurate and reliable information related to general elections, especially the upcoming 2024 regional elections.Chairman of the East Java KPU, Aang Kunaifi, stated that it is hoped that this activity will be able to establish synergy with members of the press in order to publish various information related to the stages of holding the East Java gubernatorial election. Nevertheless, he believes that disseminating information regarding the stages of the East Java gubernatorial election can increase trust and increase public participation.Aang also said that his party was trying as hard as possible, this general election was not only in the interests of political parties and candidate pairs, but also the interests of all people in East Java, even in Indonesia. Through this socialization, the community can actively participate in taking part in the democratic regional head election party.On the other hand, member of the East Java KPU, Sosdiklih Division, Parmas Nur Salam, said that his party continues to try to socialize the 2024 East Java gubernatorial election, one of which is through the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada Mascot Carnival. The parade is divided into two routes, namely, the first departure from Sumenep Regency and the second route starting from Pacitan Regency.This activity will later visit all districts/cities in East Java and culminate in the city of Surabaya on October 12 2024. There are 38 mascots from each district/city.Not only outreach to the public, the KPU also organizes outreach to political parties, especially those related to nomination requirements. The Bintan Regency KPU, Riau Islands held a joint outreach with political parties aimed at synchronizing the vision and mission of prospective regional head candidates with the Bintan Regency Government.Haris Daulay, Chair of the Bintan Regency KPU, said that one of the nomination requirements must be in accordance with the Bintan Regency Regional Long Term Development Plan (RPJPD). In accordance with PKPU number 8 of 2024, prospective regional head candidates must include a vision and mission file when registering. He added that this socialization could help prepare files and documents for prospective regional head candidates.The success of the 2024 Pilkada is inseparable from the role of the KPU and Bawaslu, but this does not mean that only certain parties are responsible for the running of the Pilkada, but all elements of society also play a very important role in the success of the upcoming 2024 Pilkada. Therefore, by actively participating together and overseeing the 2024 regional elections, this will have a positive impact on Indonesia’s sustainability in the future.The General Election Commission (KPU) also continues to be committed to monitoring and ensuring that all stages of the Pilkada continue to run in accordance with applicable regulations. This is also a form of KPU professionalism in order to realize democratic and fair general elections for all Indonesian people.Political Observer Gala Indomedia Institute )*

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