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Long-Term Positive Impact of Implementing the Job Creation Law, Sustainably High National Economic Growth


By: Naufal Putra Bratajaya

The Job Creation Law (UU Ciptaker) has brought many very positive impacts, especially after a long period of time after its implementation. One of these benefits is the realization of national economic growth that continues to be high and even sustainable.

The implementation of the Job Creation Law or what people commonly know as the Omnibus Law in Indonesia has become one of the government’s very strategic steps to overhaul various regulations that could potentially hinder the investment climate and economic growth.

One of the main objectives of the government’s ratification of the Job Creation Law is to further accelerate economic growth and also create more jobs for the community.

The government designed the Job Creation Law as a legal basis that can bring various positive impacts to the national economy. Moreover, in the long term, it is not impossible that the shop can support high and sustainable economic growth.

Without any hesitation, even starting from the government and academics, all have agreed that the Omnibus Law has enormous benefits for the national economy.

The President’s Special Staff for Economic Affairs, Arif Budimanta, explained that the Job Creation Law is not only for one group, but also involves various parties starting from implementers such as financial institutions and MSMEs to access these services.

Moreover, now business activities are not only limited to Limited Liability Companies (PT), but there are also sole proprietorships and cooperatives through Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.

The ratification of the Job Creation Law by the government has indeed been very much in line with its main objective, namely to build broad employment opportunities with the expansion of the business economy. Furthermore, there is also empowerment for MSME actors, as well as other aspects of environmental sustainability that are in accordance with the basic philosophy of the Pancasila state.

Meanwhile, Prof. Gunawan Sumodiningrat as a Professor at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) assessed that the Job Creation Law compared to the Manpower Law, there is an increase in the current economic competitiveness. In addition, there is flexibility for workers and entrepreneurs, then business processes and empowerment of villages or regions.

Professor of the University of Indonesia (UI), Bambang Shergi Laksmono said that the Job Creation Law must continue to improve the employment service system and social security system. Now, Indonesia has truly experienced a transformation. Making the spirit of the Job Creation Law increasingly enable the market to work optimally.

One of the main objectives of the Job Creation Law is to attract investment, both domestic and foreign. By simplifying licensing regulations and reducing red tape, the law makes it easier for investors to do business in Indonesia. The licensing process, which used to be time-consuming and costly, has now been cut, creating a more attractive environment for entrepreneurs.

Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are the backbone of the Indonesian economy, and the Job Creation Law pays special attention to this sector. Through various policies that support ease of doing business and access to financing, MSMEs are expected to grow stronger. Simplifying licensing procedures for MSMEs, as well as tax relief and access to financing with low interest rates, are concrete steps taken by the government.

The Job Creation Law also emphasizes improving the quality of the workforce through vocational education and training programs. By improving the skills and competencies of the workforce, Indonesia can have more productive human resources that are ready to face challenges in the industrial era 4.0. The government has launched various training programs that are relevant to industry needs, as well as encouraging collaboration between educational institutions and the private sector.

The Job Creation Law also regulates various aspects related to the development of economic infrastructure, including digital infrastructure. By accelerating the development of infrastructure, such as roads, ports, and communication networks, the government aims to improve connectivity and economic efficiency. Good infrastructure will facilitate the distribution of goods and services, reduce logistics costs, and increase the competitiveness of Indonesian products in the international market.

The Job Creation Law itself is a very big step in the government’s efforts to create continuous economic growth at a high and sustainable position in Indonesia.

Economic growth can be achieved through increased investment, then the realization of strengthening in the MSME sector, improving work quality, strengthening infrastructure and increasing global competitiveness.

The positive long-term impact after the ratification of the Job Creation Law covers all aspects and sectors. With proper implementation and full support from the community, stakeholders, sustainable economic growth is not a dream, but an inevitability that can be achieved.

*) Analyst at Core Media Institute

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