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Mutual Cooperation to Realize a Golden Indonesia Free from Radicalism


JAKARTA – The Head of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), Commissioner General Eddy Hartono, stated that efforts to counter radicalism in Indonesia require cooperation from all elements of the nation.

“Prevention in the law is regulated in three things, namely national preparedness, counter-radicalization, and deradicalization. The various steps taken are a form of government responsibility to prevent terrorism,” said Eddy.

He added that efforts to educate the public so that they work together to counter the spread of radicalism are one of BNPT’s priorities. This step is in accordance with the mandate of Law Number 5 of 2018 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Terrorism.

“Through national preparedness, BNPT wants to create an Indonesia that is strong and resilient against the threat of radicalism,” added Eddy.

Education is one of the most effective ways to build public awareness in strengthening the values ​​of tolerance, inclusiveness, national insight, and love for the country. Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Technology, Satryo Soemantri Brodjonegoro, expressed the importance of universities to prevent radicalism through education, research, and community service.

“Education plays a fundamental role in building a resilient society. Therefore, the role of universities in preventing radicalism and terrorism needs to be optimized,” he said.

Satryo also emphasized that universities need to equip students with Pancasila values ​​and awareness of the importance of inclusivity. This step, according to him, can be realized through educational curriculum, community service activities, and campus policies that strengthen the commitment to combat radicalism.

Community collaboration is an important element in countering radicalism. Universities, communities, and the government are expected to work together to create a tolerant and inclusive environment. In this context, BNPT also plans to establish a National Preparedness Center in West Jakarta this year. Head of BNPT’s General Bureau, Fanfan Infansyah, explained that the facility will be a strategic center to improve the nation’s readiness to face the threat of terror and radicalism.

“This building will also stand as a symbol of national integration. The infrastructure that will be built is not only to strengthen preparedness, but also to become a center for coordination and rehabilitation of returnees,” said Fanfan.

Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Nasyirul Falah Amru (Gus Falah), also emphasized the importance of strong legal instruments to inhibit and stop the spread of extreme anti-Pancasila ideologies.
“The government needs to draft regulations that firmly prohibit all ideologies that conflict with Pancasila, especially those based on religious extremism,” said Gus Falah.

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