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Not only a forum for student activities, AMN Manado is a milestone for unifying various backgrounds


By: Jonathan Pangalila

Manado Archipelago Student Dormitory (AMN) is not only a forum for many positive and useful activities for the younger generation, but also a milestone for uniting the nation’s children from various different backgrounds.

The existence of unity and oneness amidst the extraordinary differences in Indonesia is very important, especially as it was one of the ideals of the founding fathers of the nation as enshrined in the motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

It is on the shoulders of the youth as the next generation of the nation, what will be the fate of this country in the future. Therefore, if from an early age these students are able to unite even in the midst of various different backgrounds, then it is not impossible that this nation will continue to move towards progress and development.

Regarding the existence of AMN as a unifying pillar, Student Activist from Manado, Dwi Purnama assessed that the initiation building of the State Intelligence Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BIN RI) has enormous power to continue to encourage unity and integrity between the people of the country, by moving generations young.

Moreover, in fact Indonesia is also a country consisting of a variety of different ethnic backgrounds from all of its people, starting from diversity in terms of culture, religion to ethnicity, but through the Nusantara Student Dormitory in Manado, the spirit of national unity and unity is realized very well.

Furthermore, the Indonesian Government through the institution led by Police General (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan also continues to strive to encourage and unite the nation through its youth by using an approach that is very appropriate and suitable for them.

The approach that AMN Manado takes is by inviting dialogue, discussing and carrying out various social activities, all of which are aimed at raising awareness and social sensitivity among young people.

By using a very precise approach to target the nation’s next generation of young people, it is not surprising why a very strong sense of brotherhood continues to grow among them.

Another activity that BIN carries out in the Nusantara Student Dormitory in Manado is holding various kinds of very useful activities such as seminars, workshops and social actions which can become a space for young people to share ideas and learn from each other. So, with all these beneficial activities, they experience very positive growth together.

It is not without reason why young people must continue to get a lot of supplies by getting used to various positive activities. This is because AMN Manado really wants to make the nation’s future young generation able to carry on the ideals of the nation’s previous founders.

If they are accustomed to upholding the nation’s noble values ​​and ideals, then it is not impossible that they will grow and develop by becoming national-minded people.

The AMN Manado building also has a very important role because its existence is able to very effectively continue to encourage development or raise awareness among young people regarding various social and political issues which of course continue to be relevant following developments in Indonesia.

When young people become aware of various social and political issues, their minds will be very wide open and they will be able to continue to follow any developments.

Meanwhile, the Director of Strategic Infrastructure, Directorate General of Human Settlements, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Ir. Essy Asiah said that the aim of building the Nusantara Student Dormitory in Manado is as a forum to unite students from various ethnicities, languages, cultures, religions, all of whom come from various regions in Indonesia.

They also come from various universities, so that in the future with a lot of training at AMN Manado they will be able to prepare these young people as human resources (HR) who are qualified, have integrity and have national character.

Likewise, Deputy Chair of the AMN Manado Working Group (Wakapokja) from the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), Idham Malik, revealed that the building, which stands on 5 hectares of land, is intended to unite students throughout Indonesia.

The main aim of unifying these various backgrounds is so that young people can respect each other’s cultures despite their differences, then they can also continue to maintain harmony, cohesiveness and further strengthen relations between the nation’s children within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic. Indonesia (NKRI).

Therefore, there are actually many uses or benefits from the existence of AMN Manado. Not only is it just a place for various student activities, but the building is also a pillar of unification between the various different backgrounds that young people have in Indonesia.

*) Students from the Sam Ratulangi University of Letters and Culture (Unsrat)

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