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Ondoafi Yanto Eluay: Commitment to Stop Violence and Create Peace in Papua


Papua – Ondoafi and Papuan Traditional Leader, Yanto Eluay, expressed his concern over a number of incidents of violence that continue to occur in the Land of Papua, especially in several districts in the mountainous areas. He emphasized his commitment to stop actions that cause loss of life and property and disrupt people’s lives.

“We as traditional leaders have an obligation to always urge that violent acts that disturb and threaten the peace, security and comfort of the community do not continue to occur. “This situation has had an impact on all aspects, including the economy and education,” said Yanto Eluay.

He also expressed his hope that parties who are still involved in acts of violence will immediately stop brutal acts that only confront security forces. “We fully support the efforts of the TNI and POLRI in enforcing the law against anyone involved in acts of violence,” he stressed.

Furthermore, Yanto Eluay called on all Papuan people to work together with the government, TNI and POLRI in creating a safe and peaceful situation in the Land of Papua. He also emphasized the important role of all elements of society—religious leaders, community leaders, women’s leaders and youth leaders—in realizing a peaceful Papua.

“On various occasions, I always remind you that peace is our common need. “We must all be committed to assisting the TNI and POLRI in enforcing the law,” he added.

Yanto Eluay also highlighted the negative impacts caused by acts of violence on important infrastructure, such as schools and government offices. He reminded that these actions not only damaged public facilities, but also disrupted the teaching and learning process and community economic activities.

“Let’s work together to keep Papua peaceful and solve problems in a peaceful way. Papua must be a safe and peaceful land for all of us,” he said.

At the end of his statement, Yanto Eluay emphasized his support for all efforts made by the government, TNI and POLRI to enforce the law in Papua. He also invited the entire community to continue to look for comprehensive solutions to create a conducive security and public order (kamtibmas) situation in the Land of Papua.

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