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Online Gambling Has a Bad Impact on Mental Health


By: Berliana Ayu )*

Online gambling addiction is now a serious threat that can damage people’s mental health. The government, together with various health and psychology institutions, continues to educate the public about this danger and offers rehabilitative solutions that can help victims recover from mental and social depression.

The Coordinating Minister for Community Empowerment, Muhaimin Iskandar, highlighted the destructive impact of online gambling which not only damages the economic conditions of victims but also their mental health. Many patients treated in the RSCM psychiatric room have a history of involvement in online gambling practices, with various psychological impacts ranging from depression to serious anxiety disorders.

This online gambling phenomenon has created a social disaster that damages various aspects of people’s lives. In many cases, involvement in online gambling begins with a game that seems harmless. However, its addictive nature traps players in a cycle of defeat and false victory, which ultimately destroys their mental balance. Those who fail to stop often end up with a large financial burden, which in turn triggers stress and despair.

The General Chairperson of the Indonesian Forensic Psychology Association, Nael Sumampouw, said that online gambling has now become a global health problem on par with drug and alcohol abuse. Easily accessible and disguised in the form of digital activities that appear normative, online gambling traps many young people who are looking for an escape from stress or life’s difficulties. With a manipulative psychological mechanism, players are often convinced that a big win is just one step away, even though the reality is the opposite.

Head of the Psychiatry Division of RSCM, Dr. Kristiana Siste Kurniasanti, revealed that the impacts caused are not only felt by online gamblers but also by their families. They are forced to bear the financial burden due to the gambler’s debt, including terror from those who collect the loan. This situation triggers mental disorders such as depression in family members, which can be even worse than the mental condition of the gambler himself.

Kristiana explained that the management of treating online gambling addiction cannot be done simply by paying off the debt incurred. This will not stop the perpetrator’s addictive behavior. Instead, professional treatment involving psychiatric therapy is an important step to help victims and their families recover mentally. Families are also advised to undergo mental health treatment to overcome the stress they experience and be able to think rationally in dealing with the situation.

The emergence of psychological conditions such as learned helplessness or feelings of helplessness is also one of the negative impacts to be aware of. Young people who are trapped in online gambling often lose hope and no longer believe that their efforts will produce positive results. This condition kills their potential and creativity, making them increasingly trapped in a cycle of despair that is difficult to break.

To address this problem, the government through various ministries continues to strengthen education and preventive campaigns. The Coordinating Ministry for Political and Security Affairs (Kemenkopolkam) supports cross-sector collaboration in eradicating online gambling by prioritizing educational and preventive approaches involving religious figures, educational institutions, and community groups.

The government is also expected to be more proactive in providing rehabilitation services that are easily accessible at various health facilities, including community health centers. An integrated approach between family support and preventive measures from the state is believed to be an effective solution to minimize the negative impacts of online gambling on the younger generation.

On the other hand, the role of education is vital in instilling positive values ​​for the younger generation. School and campus curriculums need to pay attention to critical digital literacy aspects, where students are taught to understand the risks and consequences of various digital content, including online gambling. With targeted education, the younger generation can be better prepared to face various challenges in this digital era.

Public awareness to care more about mental health and be selective in using the internet is also very necessary. The government continues to remind that online gambling often appears in an attractive form and disguises itself as ordinary digital content. Vigilance is an effective first step in preventing people from falling into this trap.

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) also play a role in this education campaign. With a closer approach to the community, NGOs can reach groups that are vulnerable to exposure to online gambling. They not only provide education but also provide

n assistance for victims who want to get out of the trap of addiction.

In addition, the mass media has a big role in disseminating correct information and educating the public about the dangers of online gambling. News that highlights the destructive impacts of online gambling can open the public’s eyes to the threats they face. The media is also expected to be a channel to voice inspiring stories from those who have successfully recovered from online gambling addiction.

With collaborative steps involving all elements of society, the government is optimistic that the negative impacts of online gambling on mental health can be overcome. Strong synergy between families, health workers, and the government is key to creating a healthy and safe environment for future generations. The government hopes that through ongoing efforts, the community can be increasingly protected from this threat, and victims can regain a healthier and more meaningful life.

)* Contributor Pertiwi Instituten assistance for victims who want to get out of the trap of addiction.

In addition, the mass media has a big role in disseminating correct information and educating the public about the dangers of online gambling. News that highlights the destructive impacts of online gambling can open the public’s eyes to the threats they face. The media is also expected to be a channel to voice inspiring stories from those who have successfully recovered from online gambling addiction.

With collaborative steps involving all elements of society, the government is optimistic that the negative impacts of online gambling on mental health can be overcome. Strong synergy between families, health workers, and the government is key to creating a healthy and safe environment for future generations. The government hopes that through ongoing efforts, the community can be increasingly protected from this threat, and victims can regain a healthier and more meaningful life.

)* Contributor Pertiwi Institute

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