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Online Gambling Is Not Entertainment, Society Must Be Alert


Jakarta – National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo highlighted the serious impact of online gambling which is now increasingly worrying. According to him, this phenomenon has spread widely in society, even targeting minors.

“This online gambling is very much felt among the lower classes, even targeting minors,” said Sigit

In an effort to eradicate this illegal practice, Sigit ordered his staff to increase law enforcement and strengthen coordination with various related parties.

He also emphasized that every police member involved in online gambling activities will be subject to strict action.

“The involvement of members in this case must continue to be monitored and examined every day, with maximum law enforcement,” he said.

In addition, Sigit emphasized the importance of implementing Money Laundering Crimes (TPPU) against online gambling bookies. He instructed that all assets owned by bookies be confiscated for the benefit of the state.

“We must carry out TPPU against large bookie groups, so that we can withdraw and confiscate their assets for the state,” he continued.

Meanwhile, the government is also actively taking firm steps to eradicate online gambling. The Ministry of Communication and Digital Space (Kemkomdigi) considers online gambling a serious threat that requires real action.

The Minister of Communication and Digital, Meutya Hafid, emphasized that her party has made various efforts, including collaborating with digital platforms. She said that to date, 807,587 contents related to online gambling have been blocked.

“This effort was made through collaboration with various digital platforms. Of the total content that has been blocked, 807,587 came from websites and IP addresses,” said Meutya.

In addition to blocking, Kemkomdigi has begun to impose administrative sanctions on Private User-Generated Content (PSE UGC) Electronic System Organizers who do not fulfill their obligations to cut off access to illegal content.

“We will give sanctions to those who do not comply with these obligations,” she added.

In supporting this policy, Kemkomdigi relies on the Content Moderation Compliance System (SAMAN) to supervise digital platforms. If violations are found, sanctions will be given ranging from warnings to large fines.

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